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Weird bump on chin?

Nicole G

Jan 13, 2016
Reaction score
I was a little concerned this morning. I was petting Ella and I usually check her over because there's a fair amount of ticks around here. So when I got to her muzzle/chin area, I noticed she has a small, hard bump underneath her lip.

Could it be an allergy, or something else? I did recently try her on Primal's food. I haven't been overly happy with it, and it doesn't seem to agree with her 100% so I'm slowly moving her back to Stella and Chewy's. Also she had a small bit of Organic Grass-fed Hamburger last night with butternut squash, but she's had that before with no problems.
Can you post a photo of it? or is it just kind of something you feel but not see?
Stitch used to have that on his head, I just put neosporin as my friend's dog used to have it and just waited and now it's gone but he has this tiny bald spot but I check t everyday and the hair is growing slowly but surely.

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Could just be nothing, or a bite of some kind. I would just watch it for a few days to see if it goes away.
I didn't realize - poor baby bumped her chin on the corner of the bed this morning. Thank you all for the advice. I'm going to watch it for a few days just in case.

I definitely worry too much about her, but I lost my house rabbit to cancer last year so any bumps on anything concern me.