Yay! I'm sorry if you already posted this somewhere else but what is his name? And he and Hudson are actually brothers, correct? So jealous you got another one.
Oh, that is soooo wonderful! Hank looks like Hudson's clone. I am so glad they get along. It is obvious that they will be great companions to each other. It will be so fun when they start to play together.
They both panic if they're apart already. We are in for it with these two troublemakers!!!
Also, potty training is horrible and I'm never doing it again after this. Lol.
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Famous last wordsBahahaha
At least it's warm! I potty trained (sick) little Titan in -25 below windchill and blizzards! My hands were cracked and bleeding! I'm shocked I didn't come down with pneumonia! Never getting a winter puppy again! We got Isabelle in the spring/summer so it was a breeze!
He's definitely easier than Hudson was but oh lord it's just not a fun time!!! And he hates when the grass is wet and cold at night and in the morning. Lord help me lol
Isabelle is like that! Such a prissy miss!
Titan waddles around and acts like he's becoming paralyzed but doesn't care to get dirty (luckily and unfortunately ...)