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Well, my attempt at using a bitter apple type deterrent failed


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Feb 15, 2015
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Rather than buying the bitter apple spray in the pet store, I decided to go on the internet to find out how to make my own (natural) concoction.

Bitter Apple is mostly vinegar, and the recipe called for 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 cup vinegar, and 1 cup water.

So, I mixed it up, sprayed it on the table/chair legs that my pups like to chew on, and lo and behold...my female likes it! She just licked licked licked it all off. Arrrghhh! My male began sneezing when he tried licking it, so I know that he doesn't like it, but my female couldn't get enough.

I just had to laugh. :no: I've read of some dogs actually liking this stuff, but just my luck: I own one!

Back to the drawing board...
LOL! Years ago, I bought something like that and my dog liked it too. Go figure!
That's funny!!! My dogs do not like the taste at all so it helped for me. I miss having a puppy but I do not miss this phase. lol!
Some of ours liked it to, so we don't buy it any longer.
We used it when we first got Jax cause he would pull on the curtains and pull on the bottoms of our pants and after a couple times spraying it, he stopped.
I did the same thing with my hands! I have an awful habit of biting my nails, so I bought this nail polish to kill two birds with one stone - stop me from biting, and stop Bisou from chewing on my fingers. Turns out she's NUTS for the stuff! She's now obsessed with all nail polish AND nail polish remover and will just sit there smelling it while I paint my nails... then try to lick it all off. Good grief!
The teething phase is difficult. I remember actually buying a toy that you put your hand in, like a puppet, because Jake would constantly bite at my fingers! Hope it will pass soon.
I finally tried the oil seasoning used for cooking crabs. Old Bay seasoning for crabs, the liquid. I sprayed on chairs legs and such. Try on small area first as it might stain. Do not get on carpet. One lick and she was finished. No more chewing on chair or stool legs. Contains red hot pepper. I was deperate and ready to try anything. She practically chewed the rockers off an antique chair. My husbands response was I didn't like that chair anyway. Uggg!
I'm so glad Maximus dislikes the taste of bitter apple. It really saved us from him eating up all the furniture and cords! He still managed to do some significant damage. :D