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my dog is very sick, help

That's the thing, they stop eating as soon as they have the blockage or swallow something. It could pass on its own but most times they don't. If you had xrays and nothing showed, anything soft or not dense will not show in the Xray. My girl had a rubber gromit thing in her for god only knows how long..... she was so sick for weeks and was sneezing uncontrollably, not reverse sneeze, just sneezing..... Xrays showed normal bowel filling and everything. Finally one day I called them and said "Schedule a surgery, you care cutting her open TODAY or she is going to DIE!!!!! And you ARE going to find out what is wrong with her!!!! I knew in my gut it was a blockage. Sure enough, they found this:

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Wow that's amazing.
It could be a blockage, did the vet do an X-ray? If not I would definitely find a different vet, before you loose your baby. Also what heartworm meds is she on?
I came back to ask the same question about heartworm meds. Are you using anything?
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