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Where do your frenchies sleep?


In the bed, finally --- a battle I won against the hubby who never wanted Dogs in the bed.... Oh well, LOL.....
Yeah - that thin strip of yellow over there behind them..... that's where I "sleep"
Not sure if this is appropriate. But it's just one of many of us in bed. Lol

That is totally appropriate and also very adorable! He looks so happy being little spoon!
Not sure if this is appropriate. But it's just one of many of us in bed. Lol

[MENTION=1329]cnash[/MENTION], any man who sleeps next to his frenchie is aces in my book!

[MENTION=1329]cnash[/MENTION], any man who sleeps next to his frenchie is aces in my book!


He's my little poop head. I try and spend as much time with him as possible.
He's the best outside and in bed. In the living room he's a crazy gremlin. He will be getting training soon though.
I just had to post this pic, which is quite self-explanatory :D

bulldog middle.webp
Sarge has a bed in every room. He has cave beds and regular beds with lots of blankets because he likes to be covered up. He wears clothes to bed too because he likes to be warm.sarge15.webpSargeblanket1.webpSargebed1.webpsarge15.webpSargeBed3.webpSargeBed4.webpSargeBed3.webp
Hey, @Kris - where did you get the bed in photo 'Sarge3'? The little thing that looks like a pop-up crate. That looks like it would be perfect for traveling.
Sarge has a bed in every room. He has cave beds and regular beds with lots of blankets because he likes to be covered up. He wears clothes to bed too because he likes to be warm.View attachment 7343View attachment 7344View attachment 7345View attachment 7343View attachment 7346View attachment 7347View attachment 7346

What a lucky dude! Love the round green one!

- - - Updated - - -

I just had to post this pic, which is quite self-explanatory :D

View attachment 7334

this is sooo accurate
Seems I'm the only one that doesn't sleep with my dogs. lol! I love sleep far too much and am a very light sleeper. What can I say, I'm mean. :D

You're not alone, @Squishy. Beezy sleeps downstairs in the kitchen where there's a tile floor - just in case. We tried bringing her upstairs last year and having her sleep in her crate, but she made so much noise - licking, chewing, snoring, and who knows what else - that I said no more. Like you, I'm a light sleeper and spend two hours a day commuting. I love her very much, but not enough to wrap myself around a tree for. We're not mean, just practical :)
You're not alone, @Squishy. Beezy sleeps downstairs in the kitchen where there's a tile floor - just in case. We tried bringing her upstairs last year and having her sleep in her crate, but she made so much noise - licking, chewing, snoring, and who knows what else - that I said no more. Like you, I'm a light sleeper and spend two hours a day commuting. I love her very much, but not enough to wrap myself around a tree for. We're not mean, just practical :)

Tile floor in the kitchen all by herself? That sounds like abuse to me. :LMAO:
You're not alone, @Squishy. Beezy sleeps downstairs in the kitchen where there's a tile floor - just in case. We tried bringing her upstairs last year and having her sleep in her crate, but she made so much noise - licking, chewing, snoring, and who knows what else - that I said no more. Like you, I'm a light sleeper and spend two hours a day commuting. I love her very much, but not enough to wrap myself around a tree for. We're not mean, just practical :)

Yup! :) Besides, I have a hard enough time claiming space on the bed with my husband. I have no intentions of fighting off my dogs too. Wally sleeps much better in his bed anyway, he gets so warm so quickly.
Sarge has a bed in every room. He has cave beds and regular beds with lots of blankets because he likes to be covered up. He wears clothes to bed too because he likes to be warm.View attachment 7343View attachment 7344View attachment 7345View attachment 7343View attachment 7346View attachment 7347View attachment 7346

LOVE IT!!! Sarge has the same crate as Leo & Molly! I've always wanted to try one of those cave beds, but just haven't gotten around to spending the cash on them..... but they have beds in every room as well in our house.... as well as a spot saved on the sofa and in our bed for them! :)
Hey, @Kris - where did you get the bed in photo 'Sarge3'? The little thing that looks like a pop-up crate. That looks like it would be perfect for traveling.
The red one? It's a Kong soft side crate. It does fold up. We use it when we travel. We call it his motor home :-D We got it at Petco.
You're not alone, @Squishy. Beezy sleeps downstairs in the kitchen where there's a tile floor - just in case. We tried bringing her upstairs last year and having her sleep in her crate, but she made so much noise - licking, chewing, snoring, and who knows what else - that I said no more. Like you, I'm a light sleeper and spend two hours a day commuting. I love her very much, but not enough to wrap myself around a tree for. We're not mean, just practical :)
Nope, Sarge isn't allowed in our bed. He has his own. He does wear jammies to keep warm. Sarge's bed is right next to me on the floor. He snores too and he licks his feet but I yell at him for that so he stops and falls asleep. I love him to snore, it's comfort to me lol
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