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Where do your frenchies sleep?

Seems I'm the only one that doesn't sleep with my dogs. lol! I love sleep far too much and am a very light sleeper. What can I say, I'm mean. :D
Seems I'm the only one that doesn't sleep with my dogs. lol! I love sleep far too much and am a very light sleeper. What can I say, I'm mean. :D

I have toast and Hudson right now and only Hudson is allowed to sleep in the bed. For some reason toast is having crazy behavioral issues and the LAST thing I'm giving up is my sleep! So if Hudson started being bad at bedtime he would not have bed privileges. My boyfriend wishes we were like your household! Lol.

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Isabelle sleeps with us. Since the very first night we got her at 8 weeks old. Spoiled rotten she is!

T on the other hand got used to sleeping on the couch with mommy, or his crate, so he REFUSES to sleep in our bed. He's probably safer in his crate because he's fearless and jumps right off of our king bed! My luck he would break a leg :/ Isabelle won't jump up OR down. Good thing she's small ;)

We've tried to have both with us? There is enough room ;)
All cuddled up right next to me on our bed :D :D :luv:

And then, there is a 50 lb Bulldog between us :luv:
Snuggled up in the crook of my arm, using my arm as a pillow. Somehow I start on one side of the bed and wake up on the other and always on my back when I used to be a side sleeper. Amazing what we do for our little guys, even in our sleep.

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Snuggled up in the crook of my arm, using my arm as a pillow. Somehow I start on one side of the bed and wake up on the other and always on my back when I used to be a side sleeper. Amazing what we do for our little guys, even in our sleep.

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So true
Bad news :( My boyfriend woke up today with hives all over his arms (as I mentioned before he has a mild dog/cat allergy)

So no more sleeping in our bed for Banksy. It's gunna be sad now that we have gotten into the habit this past month of him being with us at night, but I can't let my boyfriend be uncomfortable to that extent.

At least he has his big king size doggy bed right by the fire so he's not that hard up lol
Bad news :( My boyfriend woke up today with hives all over his arms (as I mentioned before he has a mild dog/cat allergy)

So no more sleeping in our bed for Banksy. It's gunna be sad now that we have gotten into the habit this past month of him being with us at night, but I can't let my boyfriend be uncomfortable to that extent.

At least he has his big king size doggy bed right by the fire so he's not that hard up lol

Damn... That sucks for all of you! Hope the b/f is doing better
Bambi and Ginger sleep on the bed. Ginger comes and goes during the night. Bambi loves being toasty. When I go to get up and put her down, she runs against my husband and becomes like a dead weight. :)
Bambi and Ginger sleep on the bed. Ginger comes and goes during the night. Bambi loves being toasty. When I go to get up and put her down, she runs against my husband and becomes like a dead weight. :)

Twiggy does the same thing! When I get up the first thing I do is sit her down off of the bed. She doesn't want to get up usually so she flops over and is like dead weight. Too funny!
Bad news :( My boyfriend woke up today with hives all over his arms (as I mentioned before he has a mild dog/cat allergy)

So no more sleeping in our bed for Banksy. It's gunna be sad now that we have gotten into the habit this past month of him being with us at night, but I can't let my boyfriend be uncomfortable to that extent.

At least he has his big king size doggy bed right by the fire so he's not that hard up lol

That dog bed looks big enough for a human. Not that I condone kicking your boyfriend out of the bed just for Banksy.... ;) :D
That dog bed looks big enough for a human. Not that I condone kicking your boyfriend out of the bed just for Banksy.... ;) :D

HAHA funny thing... I went to bed last night before my boyfriend and I told him "you're gunna have to be the one to say the final goodnight to Banksy when you come to bed and leave him in the living room..."


I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water and Banksy was in our bed, he woke up when I woke up and snuggled into me and gave me kisses. I poked my boyfriend in the shoulder to wake him up and I said .."nice try!!"

We both laughed. looks like we will do anything for our little doggies !
We are still on our first week but Dexter is sleeping in his 'bedroom' , the utility 😂. This was always where our British Bulldogs slept but they snored so loudly !
Bad news :( My boyfriend woke up today with hives all over his arms (as I mentioned before he has a mild dog/cat allergy)

John and I both would get wicked hives on our arms or my on my neck/chest after holding or snuggling with Bambi for a few months after we got her. After that, though, we both get them rarely. I think our bodies just adjusted to her. Bambi was in pretty rough shape when we got her - shedding like crazy, stinky, skinny. But we got her on good food and I brushed her every day to stimulate her skin and now she is totally healthy and gorgeous. No more allergies except once in a great while. Hope that is your experience, too.
John and I both would get wicked hives on our arms or my on my neck/chest after holding or snuggling with Bambi for a few months after we got her. After that, though, we both get them rarely. I think our bodies just adjusted to her. Bambi was in pretty rough shape when we got her - shedding like crazy, stinky, skinny. But we got her on good food and I brushed her every day to stimulate her skin and now she is totally healthy and gorgeous. No more allergies except once in a great while. Hope that is your experience, too.

I get small itchy bumps after holding my dogs for long periods of time. That's when I know they need a long bath & a good brushing!

I'm wildly allergic to rodent dander , I'm going to assume much less allergic to all animal dander.

No issues with sleeping in the same bed with my dog though... Only on my forearms if I hold them!
Our pug has been sleeping with us since last year after having to put our other pug down, and since getting the 2 Frenchies, overnight they were in 2 crates that I joined together to become one bigger one.

However, now that I'm busier at work during the day and am at home less, I have to 'quarantine' them to the kitchen during the day. So of course, I feel *horrible* about cooping them up all day AND crating them at night, so during those longer days, I allow them to sleep in our bed the night before and/or after.

Thing is, *I* usually end up being the one to stomp off to the spare bedroom in the middle of the night, as the 3 of them are horrible bed hoggers and snorers. I cannot sleep to save my life, so I leave them to sleep with my husband. Whatever, it's fine. I'm just glad there's a way to escape!

So, they alternate between the conjoined crates or our bed. Depends on what my work schedule is like.
John and I both would get wicked hives on our arms or my on my neck/chest after holding or snuggling with Bambi for a few months after we got her. After that, though, we both get them rarely. I think our bodies just adjusted to her. Bambi was in pretty rough shape when we got her - shedding like crazy, stinky, skinny. But we got her on good food and I brushed her every day to stimulate her skin and now she is totally healthy and gorgeous. No more allergies except once in a great while. Hope that is your experience, too.

I hope that is the case as well, thanks for sharing
I get small itchy bumps after holding my dogs for long periods of time. That's when I know they need a long bath & a good brushing!

I'm wildly allergic to rodent dander , I'm going to assume much less allergic to all animal dander.

No issues with sleeping in the same bed with my dog though... Only on my forearms if I hold them!

Banksy hates baths so we've never attempted giving him a long one or even keeping water in the tub, we just have done running water and used a cup to pour it on him

I will try and full out long bath tonight with shallow water in the tub and give him a good brushing and see if it helps

Thanks for sharing!
Jax slept in the kitchen when we first got him at about 10 1/2 weeks old. And then 2 months later I thought it would be GREAT if he slept in the bed with us for one night. 2 1/2 years later, he is still in our bed and I don't think we would ever be able to put him back in the kitchen. We have a king size bed and I am usually left with little room to lay because he likes to spread out and usually curls up right next to me. The funny thing is, I am always more concerned about his comfort than my own. Just recently I started letting him sleep in my son's bed with him either on a Friday or Saturday night for a sleepover so that I can sleep comfortably. But, usually between 6 - 7 am Jax is at our door knocking (scratching) to come in and get into our bed. And I always miss him when he does his sleepover!

Sounds about right! :)
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