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allergic to grass?

Kpromero. How old is rosie? I took Safari to the vet tonight and she said she was concerned seeing allergies this early in his life. He turned one last month. Started him on another round of antibiotics, a histamine different than Benadryl and an omega 3 supplement specialized for dogs. Hoping he shows some signs of improvement. I think I would get the allergy testing down the line if nothing works. I hope your Rosie improves soon! What fromms did you feed her? I just started feeding him the beef frittata.

Jax got his allergies a few months before he turned 1. The vet told me he is seeing dogs get them younger and younger now.
Safari, she is 11 months old now. Went to vet again today and was told it is a staph infection, but smaller bumps are allergy related. Another round of atibiotics for 2 weeks and stop given coconut oil, bathing, fish oil pills until we go back. When she turned 7 months we put her on Fromms pork and peas, then the next bag went with pork and apple sauce, then surf and turf. Around the surf and turf feedings is when she started showing signs which was this past January. After that vet visit we switched to Acana Ranchland with no improvement, then Orijen with no improvement.
When they have a bad allergic reaction to something you can also double the dose of Benedryl and it won't hurt them, that's per our vet and we have done it with a pup that had a reaction to the last set of vaccinations, and Henri got into something the other day and had hives so we gave him 2- 25mg pills twice that day. JLO is allergic to something here and our vet put her on Temaril-P twice a day and that helps her.
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