Any particularly prevalent neurological or cardiac problems that frenchies are prone too?


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Sep 7, 2024
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Hello, didn’t know about this forum until Googling for advice, typical scenario I guess.

Anyway, daughter has a 5 yr male frenchie called Rolo, until recently has always been fine and very well natured.
Typical Frenchie issues of ‘doing before thinking’, windy, etc,
if you know, you know🤦‍♂️

In Last week, he appears to have had fits that last a few minutes, then back to normal self as if nothing happened.

Initial time, he was outside and came in trembling and had high-pitch yelps, lay down and trembling, we rushed him to my daughters vets over w/e and they checked him over, heart was deemed good, they diagnosed possible back muscular issue and prescribed pain relief and medicalm.
I thought there was some fibrillation but don’t know the breed well so that may just be a frenchie thing🤷‍♂️

Now Seems he may have had another ‘episode’ just before we came away, plus understand he’s had another in last day🤦‍♂️

Wondering if excess stress or physical activity known to bring such ‘fits’ on??

I suspect this may become an expensive investigation and treatment that my daughter can Ill afford (single working mum situation).

Would appreciate knowing from experienced owners if any common issues to check for and how, so that discussions on next steps can be less unnecessarily financially painful!

Could be undiagnosed or untreated BOAS. If you see another episode, check the tongue and gums for blue tinge. That would indicate low oxygen. Reach out to this site with your city/town and state for recommended vets with Frenchie expertise. You can contact, Vetscapel website, and ask for vets in your area that use their product. They will send you a list. Usually, there is a vet that specializes in Frenchie BOAS issues.