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Cone vs. Inflatable

Calle Roo

New member
May 12, 2014
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Quella and I went to Petsmart today to look at protective cones for her surgery this coming Monday. She is getting spayed, dew claws removed, 2 inverted nipples removed and several baby teeth extracted.

I have a few onesies that I plan on using throughout her recovery to keep her from licking her undercarriage but I figured the cone would come in handy as well.

I tried on an e-collar and she froze. I couldn't even bribe her with treats. I then tried on the inflatable collar and it didn't even phase her. She pranced around like she had special powers. That's my girl.

If the collar doesn't help or work, I'll go back and get an e-collar. Either way, this should be interesting with how many boo boos as well as limbs she can use i.e. her back legs to scratch her nipple. Suggestions on that?

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

inflatable is much better and should do the trick
We have never put ours in the cone of shame, even after a C-section, but if you want I would think the inflatable would be better. I explained in your other post about the surgery on something you can try to keep her from trying to scratch her belly.
We got a cone for Buster but never used it. The inflatable looks much better!