Lil Miss Q-Roux is pretty independent and would rather be in one of her dog beds on the floor than on or near me. She will lay next to me a few times a week on the couch in the evenings and does sleep in bed with me, between my legs, but outside of that, nothing else. I feel like I didn't give her enough close contact attention when she was a puppy, but looking back, as hard as I tried, she would always walk away and lay a few feet away. Per the above, whenever I pick Quella up and put her on my lap when sitting on the couch, computer chair, etc, within moments, she will express her anal glands. Only time she has ever expressed her anal glands is while on my lap and she does it every single time she has been on my lap. The vet and groomer have taken a look at her and she has never needed her anal glands expressed nor seen any issues with them. I also asked the vet if it could be some sort of 'sexual' response and he has never heard of anything like that. Either way, I was wondering if anyone has heard of something like this happening before? She doesn't come and sit on my lap, so I've always had to put her on my lap, and she usually leaves pretty quickly after expressing them, or I have to immediately bring her to the sink within moments of her sitting down to wash her stinky booty with soap and water. Sometimes I need to brush her teeth or clean ears, etc and it would be nice to hold her on my lap without having to worry about ruining my clothes or having to bathe her, especially when being out and about, such as holding her on my lap at a restaurant or in the pharmacy waiting room at Walgreens, etc.
XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!