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Quella's Surgeries...

I would go with a specialist next. The numbers on the blood work don't lie. Now, your current Vet might be overreacting based on the numbers, but a specialist would be best to decide that. Even if it is just a visit to a specialist to get their opinion on what you should do next, I would go that route. The specialist may not find it necessary to do the more expensive diagnostics.
I agree with going to a specialist that is familiar with these types of issues. I believe in gathering as much information and advice as possible and then making a decision. You will know in your heart what is best. Good luck and keep us posted.
I would do second opinion from a bulldog vet then go to a specialist. But I like to have all of my bases covered.

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Thanks so much for the thoughts and suggestions. I can tell this is going to be a long uphill battle while trying to make decisions in the best interest of Quella while everyone... professionals included all have different opinions.

Quella starts Denmarin today and will be on it 30-60 days. At the end of the rx we will have her liver levels tested again. If they have not increased (and hopefully have decreased), I will have her spayed, baby teeth extracted, dew claws removed and liver biopsy. I'm not amused at the 3-5" scar that will be left on Q's stomach, but I cannot afford laparoscopy, so it is my only option.

If anything changes between now and her surgeries, I will definitely keep everyone posted. Thanks so much for your support.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Q is in my prayers Calle Roo. Hope everything works out.
Thinking of Q and you during this time! :heart:
So, I'm pretty sure that Quella started her girlie time around 3 in the morning or atleast is at the 'bleeding' stage. She was rustling around which woke me up and I saw a few pieces of poo on the floor. I turned on the light to clean it up and saw 3 drops of blood. I cleaned up the mess and wiped her lady bits and buttoned the bum of her onesie and put a panty liner in it and went back to bed. This morning I raced around to get some diapers 'just in case' I need them later and took off her onesie so she could roam the living room on the tile all day and not be restrained. Her panty liner had a few drops of blood and some watered down blood as well. She looks so miserable. She tenses up when I try to pet or pick her up and she seems on edge. My poor lil princess.

I do have a quick question re: any other side effects. Quella threw up lastnight 5ish times and it was all clear and white foam. She also poo'd and there was a clear gelatin substance similar to when she had Giardia. I gave Quella her nightly liver medicine and she drank 1/4 cup of water. Within 15 mins she had poo which only consisted of water and the pill I had prevously given her. I then gave Quella her dinner and she took 1 piece from the dish and crunched it a few times and dropped it on the floor and never went back. This morning she has done the same with the food, but never ate any. Luckily she has drank water a few times, but I'm not home to know if she has went pee yet.

Is this out of the norm or are these possible side effects or symptoms from this 'new' experience for her?

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
So, I'm pretty sure that Quella started her girlie time around 3 in the morning or atleast is at the 'bleeding' stage. She was rustling around which woke me up and I saw a few pieces of poo on the floor. I turned on the light to clean it up and saw 3 drops of blood. I cleaned up the mess and wiped her lady bits and buttoned the bum of her onesie and put a panty liner in it and went back to bed. This morning I raced around to get some diapers 'just in case' I need them later and took off her onesie so she could roam the living room on the tile all day and not be restrained. Her panty liner had a few drops of blood and some watered down blood as well. She looks so miserable. She tenses up when I try to pet or pick her up and she seems on edge. My poor lil princess.

I do have a quick question re: any other side effects. Quella threw up lastnight 5ish times and it was all clear and white foam. She also poo'd and there was a clear gelatin substance similar to when she had Giardia. I gave Quella her nightly liver medicine and she drank 1/4 cup of water. Within 15 mins she had poo which only consisted of water and the pill I had prevously given her. I then gave Quella her dinner and she took 1 piece from the dish and crunched it a few times and dropped it on the floor and never went back. This morning she has done the same with the food, but never ate any. Luckily she has drank water a few times, but I'm not home to know if she has went pee yet.

Is this out of the norm or are these possible side effects or symptoms from this 'new' experience for her?

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] [MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION]
I would say that is not normal for one in heat. They will sometimes pee in the house and occasionally poo in the house, but the vomiting and the watery poop is not normal. If it continues I would let a vet see her.
Phew. Q-Roux is back to her ol self. She's full of piss and vinegar. She had a normal solid stool and she is alert and active and eating like a piggy. I'll be cancelling her vet appt for this afternoon until something changes. I realized she ate some cat food the other day. It's called 'broth' and has liquid and some chunks of meat and shrimp. Her pooty poo looks like it could've been the same subtstance as the food, so I'm thinking it just gave her an upset stomach.

Thanks so much for everyones concern and thoughts. It's much appreciated.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Her dipeys are a little loose in the booty, so I put her onesie on and she is just fine. She walks with bowed legs and I can't help from giggle.


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
On a side note, Q was on the couch with me last night and casually looking around when I smelled this funky funk. She expressed her anal glads. I had to disinfect the leather couch and her stinky booty. She's had pretty solid pooty poo so I haven't had the groomer's work them (nor would I allow anyone except the vet) so it was weird that it happened without any distress.

Lil Miss Q-Roux is pretty independent and would rather be in one of her dog beds on the floor than on or near me. She will lay next to me a few times a week on the couch in the evenings and does sleep in bed with me, between my legs, but outside of that, nothing else. I feel like I didn't give her enough close contact attention when she was a puppy, but looking back, as hard as I tried, she would always walk away and lay a few feet away. Per the above, whenever I pick Quella up and put her on my lap when sitting on the couch, computer chair, etc, within moments, she will express her anal glands. Only time she has ever expressed her anal glands is while on my lap and she does it every single time she has been on my lap. The vet and groomer have taken a look at her and she has never needed her anal glands expressed nor seen any issues with them. I also asked the vet if it could be some sort of 'sexual' response and he has never heard of anything like that. Either way, I was wondering if anyone has heard of something like this happening before? She doesn't come and sit on my lap, so I've always had to put her on my lap, and she usually leaves pretty quickly after expressing them, or I have to immediately bring her to the sink within moments of her sitting down to wash her stinky booty with soap and water. Sometimes I need to brush her teeth or clean ears, etc and it would be nice to hold her on my lap without having to worry about ruining my clothes or having to bathe her, especially when being out and about, such as holding her on my lap at a restaurant or in the pharmacy waiting room at Walgreens, etc.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
I've worked at a Veterinary hospital for 19 years and I've never heard of one doing this. Very odd indeed.

Lil Miss Q-Roux is pretty independent and would rather be in one of her dog beds on the floor than on or near me. She will lay next to me a few times a week on the couch in the evenings and does sleep in bed with me, between my legs, but outside of that, nothing else. I feel like I didn't give her enough close contact attention when she was a puppy, but looking back, as hard as I tried, she would always walk away and lay a few feet away. Per the above, whenever I pick Quella up and put her on my lap when sitting on the couch, computer chair, etc, within moments, she will express her anal glands. Only time she has ever expressed her anal glands is while on my lap and she does it every single time she has been on my lap. The vet and groomer have taken a look at her and she has never needed her anal glands expressed nor seen any issues with them. I also asked the vet if it could be some sort of 'sexual' response and he has never heard of anything like that. Either way, I was wondering if anyone has heard of something like this happening before? She doesn't come and sit on my lap, so I've always had to put her on my lap, and she usually leaves pretty quickly after expressing them, or I have to immediately bring her to the sink within moments of her sitting down to wash her stinky booty with soap and water. Sometimes I need to brush her teeth or clean ears, etc and it would be nice to hold her on my lap without having to worry about ruining my clothes or having to bathe her, especially when being out and about, such as holding her on my lap at a restaurant or in the pharmacy waiting room at Walgreens, etc.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

Never heard of this happening before..... was Q and only pup, did she have any litter mates?
For her anal glands, you might want to add some pumpkin into her diet each day to make her stools larger. Then when she poops, the glands will get expressed naturally.

Re: teeth removal, I've had several dentals done on my pugs, and I was able to feed them normally afterwards when teeth were removed. My one male pug had 4 teeth left by the time he was 15, but you could never tell! That dog would eat and chew like there was no tomorrow. They adapt. :)

Re: getting spayed at 6 months, I've always had my dogs spayed before their first heat (so I get them done right before they turn 6 months). Looks like you just missed the window! :D

Poor pup. I'm going through an eye issue with my one Frenchie, so I understand the feeling of being stressed and worrying that everything will be ok. It sounds like your baby is in good hands!
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