I disagree about the food allergy theory that vets say. While there may not be a direct allergy to any particular food, many pet owners find a ton of relief for their pets when they find the right food. It all has to do with digestion and building up the immune system. The better a pet tolerates a food, the better it digests and promotes healthy good flora bacteria that aid in digestion, which in time promotes healthier skin and organ function. So many times a food change can cure skin issues and yeast problems completely! Once you find "the perfect food" the changes in even severe environmental allergies can get so much relief because the immune system is boosted. Allergies are an immune system issue and having the perfect balance of digestive flora can boost the immunities to the allergens.
My bulldogs for years used to have a corn chip smell, tear stain battles, dull fur, ect. Once I started feeding better kibble all of those problems nearly stopped. Adding supplements like coconut oil, nuvet and yogurt along with good treats have made them so healthy we never even see the vet.
My point is that food "allergy" maybe isn't a direct allergy to any type of food, but how their body digests it. Low grade foods don't digest well at all, especially ones with corn, wheat and soy.
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