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@davidh and @Kris Thomas LaBounty My regular vet, dermatologist and internet research has told me it is actually a very small percentage of dogs that has a true food allergy.

My vet told me that initially too.... I pushed for an allergy test and turned out my boy was allergic to rice and my girl to chicken. Once I had those out of the diet... the issue were all gone.

Also, I think I read someone thinks their allergy is dust/storage mites -- if so, they live in kibble (from production) and you can only get rid of them by freezing the food till you need to feed.
I took my boy with me to Starbucks this morning and heard a commercial on the radio for Dinovite. We came home and looked up the website. I am wondering if anyone has ever used it?? The reviews that are posted make it sound like the healing hand of God. Sergeant has such horrible allergies and sees a dermatologist and we give him injections bi-weekly and he's still a mess. I'd do anything for him.. See his face??View attachment 3673

It's so weird that you posted this. I was looking for homemade raw recipes and came across one that used Dinovite and wondered if it was snake oil or the real deal. I posed the question on Facebook but I got no responses. Are you going to try it? I give Bisou a probiotic already, and it kind of looks like that's what this is, but if it's *that* good, maybe I'd switch. Will all dog breed owners go to this length for their pups, or is it just us?
It's so weird that you posted this. I was looking for homemade raw recipes and came across one that used Dinovite and wondered if it was snake oil or the real deal. I posed the question on Facebook but I got no responses. Are you going to try it? I give Bisou a probiotic already, and it kind of looks like that's what this is, but if it's *that* good, maybe I'd switch. Will all dog breed owners go to this length for their pups, or is it just us?
Yup, I ordered the whole kit and caboodle. I have spent so much money on allergy treatments for this dog that what was another $80? It lasts for 90 days so that should be plenty of time to see if it works and we'll still be in grass season. I should have it soon. Yes, they sent me that raw recipe and it looks simple but I won't feed raw because I am mysophobic and have a stage 4 cancer patient in the house. They also forward a list of dog foods and tell you how they are rated, if there's ever been a recall and how they handled it and if the ingredients are human grade. It was helpful. I'll post back here to let you know how it works.
Did you also get the LickOChops and/or Supromega fish oil? I'm really curious to hear about your results - I hope it works for you (because that means it could work for us!). Keep me posted - and good luck :)
I took my boy with me to Starbucks this morning and heard a commercial on the radio for Dinovite. We came home and looked up the website. I am wondering if anyone has ever used it?? The reviews that are posted make it sound like the healing hand of God. Sergeant has such horrible allergies and sees a dermatologist and we give him injections bi-weekly and he's still a mess. I'd do anything for him.. See his face??View attachment 3673

I remember looking at this one years ago comparing it to what I was using (Nuvet) and didn't think it was as good. I sent an email to my rep this morning asking her about it and here is what she had to say about it, thought I would pass the information along to you:


It is not NuVet and does not come close. It has flax seed in it, listed as the # 1 ingredient. Flax seed is rich in nutrients but is difficult for dogs to digest. It is a low cost nutritional source. Additionally, the product is more expensive than NuVet and it is NOT manufactured in an FDA human pharmaceutical laboratory.
I remember looking at this one years ago comparing it to what I was using (Nuvet) and didn't think it was as good. I sent an email to my rep this morning asking her about it and here is what she had to say about it, thought I would pass the information along to you:
So where do I need to get Nuvet from, my vet cuz we're going there tomorrow for a doggy spa day and a mani/pedi? Have to say so far my dog loves the taste and I have had no digestive issues. It's way too soon to know if it will cure the smell of a baby camel but I will update this post. Please let me know if you use it and where you get the Nuvet.
So where do I need to get Nuvet from, my vet cuz we're going there tomorrow for a doggy spa day and a mani/pedi? Have to say so far my dog loves the taste and I have had no digestive issues. It's way too soon to know if it will cure the smell of a baby camel but I will update this post. Please let me know if you use it and where you get the Nuvet.

Some vets sell it but they only just opened it to their market this year I think, it's always been through breeders and groups. I started it through a bulldog breeder 4 years ago.

You order it online, it's at http://www.nuvet.com/1101106 and if you need the order code it's 1101106
[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] and [MENTION=204]Kris Thomas LaBounty[/MENTION] My regular vet, dermatologist and internet research has told me it is actually a very small percentage of dogs that has a true food allergy.
I agree. I said my vet said it's a small % of dogs with food allergies but she's a dermatologist and we did skin tests for EVERYTHING. My dog has never had a grain diet and eats high protein premium dog food. We also did RX that is processed and formulated for dogs with allergies ($114 for 19lbs) to prove the test results.Lasts for 6 weeks, I did 8. No food allergies here.
Is he on a flea preventative that kills or dispels adult fleas? We found out recently that Bear has a heightened allergy to flea bites. He broke out in hives all over his back. We can't use Sentinel because it doesn't kill the adult fleas, which cause his reactions.
I disagree about the food allergy theory that vets say. While there may not be a direct allergy to any particular food, many pet owners find a ton of relief for their pets when they find the right food. It all has to do with digestion and building up the immune system. The better a pet tolerates a food, the better it digests and promotes healthy good flora bacteria that aid in digestion, which in time promotes healthier skin and organ function. So many times a food change can cure skin issues and yeast problems completely! Once you find "the perfect food" the changes in even severe environmental allergies can get so much relief because the immune system is boosted. Allergies are an immune system issue and having the perfect balance of digestive flora can boost the immunities to the allergens.

My bulldogs for years used to have a corn chip smell, tear stain battles, dull fur, ect. Once I started feeding better kibble all of those problems nearly stopped. Adding supplements like coconut oil, nuvet and yogurt along with good treats have made them so healthy we never even see the vet.

My point is that food "allergy" maybe isn't a direct allergy to any type of food, but how their body digests it. Low grade foods don't digest well at all, especially ones with corn, wheat and soy.

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I disagree about the food allergy theory that vets say. While there may not be a direct allergy to any particular food, many pet owners find a ton of relief for their pets when they find the right food. It all has to do with digestion and building up the immune system. The better a pet tolerates a food, the better it digests and promotes healthy good flora bacteria that aid in digestion, which in time promotes healthier skin and organ function. So many times a food change can cure skin issues and yeast problems completely! Once you find "the perfect food" the changes in even severe environmental allergies can get so much relief because the immune system is boosted. Allergies are an immune system issue and having the perfect balance of digestive flora can boost the immunities to the allergens.

My bulldogs for years used to have a corn chip smell, tear stain battles, dull fur, ect. Once I started feeding better kibble all of those problems nearly stopped. Adding supplements like coconut oil, nuvet and yogurt along with good treats have made them so healthy we never even see the vet.

My point is that food "allergy" maybe isn't a direct allergy to any type of food, but how their body digests it. Low grade foods don't digest well at all, especially ones with corn, wheat and soy.

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Excellent post with some great points!
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