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FAQ: How many times a day do you feed your Frenchie?

Pen is 6 months old. All stage food...3/4 c. twice a day. After reading all of the other posts; I fear I'm still feeding her too much. I'll bring her to the vet soon and have her weight checked.
What does the back of the bag say?

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We are now feeding Banksy and aiko 100% raw diet
0.5 pounds a day each split into two meals

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As a puppy I was feeding meeka 3 cups a day of Kibble ( she was and still is very small for her age, she's 15pounds at 9 months ) However since switching her to raw for the past two and a half week's I started at 3oz a meal twice a deal. That wasn't enough as she lost a little weight so I upped it too 5oz per meal twice a day. She gained her weight back and a little more :)
Chance is now 7 months and we are starting to transition from puppy to an all stage food we started feeding 3x daily and am now feeding 2x daily this will be the norm from now on :walk:

just now transitioning to one meal a day :cooking:
We have started Helen, 11 weeks , the same type of food that we now feed Freeda , 9 years . Obviously not the same amount and she eats it . It's a mixture of frozen Turkey puck, dried pork and cooked chicken. Like Freeda , she eats once a day with that feeding. But with Helen , we have set out a dish for her dry food , a handful of that and she eats at it when she is hungry only it seems.

Is it normal for Frenchies to eat sparingly like that ¿
We do give her treats as well.
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