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Finally... A ~minute~ of peace.


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Sep 14, 2014
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I finally have evidence that my frenchies will get tired out from wrestling, and even more so, tired enough to listen to mommy without food in her hand & both sit still long enough to take a photo!


They were cuddling like this but biting each others faces so since Titan is trained to sleep in his crate I had to take him back down, but he was so happy to lay in mommys bed & cool off in the AC! He sprawled out right in front of the unit & didn't move til he was freezing cold to the touch! So funny!
Ha, ha! I love it when they nip at each other and wrassle. I think Titan is currently in the Terrible Two's in dog years. :D
So cute! It's so fun to watch them play together.
Ha, ha! I love it when they nip at each other and wrassle. I think Titan is currently in the Terrible Two's in dog years. :D

I agree!

My sneaky little man.


How do you stay mad at that?!
OMG... That second picture. [emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️!!!
Totally adorable!

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HA, HA!!! You can just see his wheels spinning, thinking of what to get into next. He is a doll - and those ears!
HA, HA!!! You can just see his wheels spinning, thinking of what to get into next. He is a doll - and those ears!

Yes, he is quite the menace sometimes! Had all of my shoes all over the kitchen and spilled his water this morning while I was getting ready for church.
Little zooming man! Once he gets zooming, just watch out!


Sharing a toy... We are making progress... Little by little every day.
Those smiles!!! They are so precious. I totally agree about needing proof that they do calm down eventually! I posted a photo of Bisou sleeping on my lap and received comments along the line of, "she sleeps??!!?!" Too funny. I absolutely love Titan and Isabelle!
I loooooove your Frenchies! :heart::heart::heart:If you come home one day and they're missing, you can find them at my house. I will have kidnapped them, and they'll be getting treats, scratches, and belly rubs. ;) :heartsign:
I loooooove your Frenchies! :heart::heart::heart:If you come home one day and they're missing, you can find them at my house. I will have kidnapped them, and they'll be getting treats, scratches, and belly rubs. ;) :heartsign:

Good luck with adding my 2 with your 2! It would be wrestlemania: frenchie style!

Hahah thanks [emoji173]️

A funny shot to tide us over til I upload the camera pics. I was IN TEARS laughing at some of them!
Yeah you're right. Maybe I didn't quite think that through. ;) LOLOL

Too bad I don't live anywhere near any of you all! :(

That's why we got a 2nd, poor Isabelle had absolutely NO playmates. My MIL has 3 dogs & they are all aggressive towards both of my dogs. My SIL has a chihuahua & she's horrible! I didn't want isa thinking all dogs were aggressive [emoji53]
OMG! I love your pups!!! They are quite the characters. Little Titan always looks like he's thinking about getting into some sort of trouble.
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