Look, lest anyone think I'm in a snit over someone disagreeing with my ideas, I can assure you I am not. Life is about disagreements and that's what humans do best. Criminy, I'm a raw feeder - I have people disagreeing with me all the time. What I don't care for is snipy commentary. There's enough of that online everywhere you look. FBN is a safe refuge where we should all feel like we can weigh in without being judged or feeling attacked. Referring to someone's comments - someone you don't know - as being silly because they don't align with your own thoughts and ideas is uncalled for. Yes, that might an overreaction on my part, but I'm on guard because of all of the hate and negativity I see every day in my FB feed. MLK said that 'darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that,' and those are words I'm trying to live by. If we're not good to one another, we're not being good to ourselves. And if you're not good to yourself, you can't be good to your pooch.
Have a good new year, y'all! 'Lil Beezy is super gassy these days and already smells like she's been into the sauerkraut, so Jan. 1 should be interesting. Hope you all celebrate safely and, as always, O-H! (sorry, I do love my Buckeyes)
Someone disagreeing with you should not bring about you saying that they are not being good to you, or being good to their dog, so I for one, disagree with this comment, and your defensiveness about the entire situation, when people are just giving their honest advice/opinions. Don't take it to heart, and to be honest what you said here seemed more "snippy" than some of the other comments that have been made.
You said your bit, and so did others. Even if not all was agreed upon, it is alright.
I'm sure that nobody was "attacking" you.
With that being said ...
Hope you and your pup have a safe and happy new year.
Come back after the first and start fresh.

No sense in leaving for forum, it was just a debate. No harm has been done. Breathe.
Whelp... I'm sorry if my comment came off as snipy. I didn't think "silly" would be an uncalled for word and didn't expect for me to be cramming my foot so far into my mouth over this thread. I don't want to kick up any dust... I'm new to this forum and, based on other forums I have frequented, have become conditioned to healthy debate. I can see now that is not how it's done here at FBN, and I apologize to all reading for any toes I've stepped on by facilitating one. Perhaps it's time for me to take a break from the forum, reevaluate my methods of communication, and try again later. I'll just bow out now and maybe see you guys next year.
I've been on many a forum, and healthy debate is always welcome, and from what I've seen here, it is welcome... I read the entire thing, and while I see where others are coming from, I definitely agree with you. I don't see why it would offend someone so badly. No reason to argue, or for you to leave the forum either. Just take a deep breath and relax.
Again, have a safe and happy new year and refresh your mind and come back
I wish OP the best of luck on whichever path they decide to take on purchasing the pup, and I hope whether the pup is 100% healthy or sickly, that they feel sound in their own choices and are happy with their little Frenchie baby.