Hello. I have two French bulldogs. I'm extremely worried about my male right now. He is experiencing symptoms that are similar to narcolepsy. It appears neurological, in nature, vs orthopedic. He had similar episode three years ago. We took him out of town to an emergency vet and spent $4000 in one afternoon, he was imaged and scanned from head to toe. He saw a neurologist and a cardiologist. They could find nothing. His symptoms soon subsided. Now, more recently, we elected to have his nostrils fixed. That required general anesthesia. He recovered from the surgery normally for two days, then we noticed the return of these weird symptoms. He just seems to melt into the floor and goes to sleep. Unable to get going again easily, if at all. Unfortunately we're now nine days in, and he's not showing interest in his food. And urinating seems to be a problem because he can't stand up long enough. I'm very worried and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. Because my vet seems to be at a loss. I'm actually considering depression as a possible cause? Any thoughts?