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Hello from Dexter!


New member
Sep 17, 2015
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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Lisa and my little bundle of Frenchie fur is Dexter! He's 19 weeks old tomorrow, and we've had him since he was 8 1/2 weeks old. He's our first Frenchie and we just absolutely adore him!

He's currently teething so I've found some really helpful info on here on how to help him, and I hope to be able to help out others too as I learn while he grows.

Looking forward to being a part of this great community and hearing about all your gorgeous Frenchies!

Lisa & Dexter x


Dexter is adorable!
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Lisa and my little bundle of Frenchie fur is Dexter! He's 19 weeks old tomorrow, and we've had him since he was 8 1/2 weeks old. He's our first Frenchie and we just absolutely adore him!

He's currently teething so I've found some really helpful info on here on how to help him, and I hope to be able to help out others too as I learn while he grows.

Looking forward to being a part of this great community and hearing about all your gorgeous Frenchies!

Lisa & Dexter x

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Welcome Lisa & Dexter! He is so SOOOOO cute!!!! Love those Pied babies!!!
Awwww, he is adorable! Looks just like Titan (blushy's boy).

:hiya::welcome::peekaboo:so glad you chose to check the site out. If you are looking for information, great stories and pictures, a place for support and ideas then yeah checks all the boxes. You already passed the pic test but can never get enough around here - you will see. Looking forward to reading and seeing your posts I am sure Dexter is going to have an interesting life and yours too now that you have each other.:yes:
Thanks so much everyone! We've just been to puppy class this morning and he's now happily snoring his head off, so I've got about 2 hours now to get things done! Have to take advantage of the snooze time :-)
Hi and welcome!!! We recognize you from IG!!! I've been super busy at work and haven't had a chance to log on in a long time during my lunch!
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