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Help! My puppy is showing all the signs of Juvenile Renal Disease

[MENTION=822]EnzosDad[/MENTION] Trifexis is the one killing dogs. We use only Sentinel and have never had a problem with it, or ever heard of anyone having a problem with it.
So you can see my concern. I am writing to see if anyone else has experienced this with their Frenchies and also to alert others in case you notice similar symptoms. Either way I will update this site because I wouldn't wish this angst on anyone!

Have you heard anything back or have a diagnosis? My puppy has excessive drinking and urinating as well as protien and crystals in his urine.

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Ours urinates pretty much also but just little spots about the size of a quarter and occasional more. After we take her outside she runs back in and straight to the water bowl to drink. In three weeks she vomited twice during the night but seems to be very healthy. I am under the impression this is just the norm for a puppy. Maybe i should have the vet check it out or tell him next week when we go back for shots.
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