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Hi there!


New member
May 12, 2016
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Hello from NYC! My fiancé and I got our boy in March when he was 8 weeks old. He's 15 weeks now and has grown so much! Being a new frenchie owner I have so many questions. Looking forward to talking with everyone!

Welcome to the site, and your baby is just too precious. So happy you found us.
:hiii::welcome::peekaboo: So glad you and Knox found the site we love helping out where we can and chatting sharing stories and pics of our pets / fur babies. This is also a great place to help with supporting each other for example when your worried about them going under etc., recently they helped me get through my cancer treatments and dog issues. Looking forward to hearing Knox's tales and how you handle the potty training , crating and shark phase. Have you started pet insurance ? so many questions. Until your next thread take tons of pics start socializing as much as possible and with everyone including wheel chairs, walkers, kids, visitors etc. Have fun, have fun and be good to and for each other. :yes:
TOO precious! Congrats on your new baby and

:welcome3: to FBN!!

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HA, HA! I love this guy!!! LOVE the picture of him in his hat!
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