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Hock sores/inflamation


New member
Jan 21, 2015
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Hello everybody. It's been a while since we posted around here and that can only be a source of joy because many of the posts are about health issues so as long as you don't post, no health issue are present, right? :)
Well, unfortunately we have a bit of a health issue, so today I'm asking your advice on some sores Pepper has on her hocks on both hind legs. I've attached a picture for additional info. She is loosing hair on her hocks, they are swollen a bit and some kind of lump is palpable under the skin. We will have a visit at the dogtor but we were curious if anybody has seen this kind of problme before because (incredibly) google wasn't helpful.
Thank you all for your time and feedback.

Picior Pepper.webp
usually that is from laying too much, but I doubt that would be the case. Not sure, but it might be some type of dermintis.... please keep us posted
What does she lay on? Usually it is from laying on a hard surface too much. Katie's are similar to that because she wads up her blanket and lays on the nylon crate pad.
Thank you guys for your input. She is laying in her basket, on the couch or on the carpet when inside and when outside she usually sits on a mat, but sometimes when the sun changes position she is looking for shade and sits directly on the ground(I'll try training to move the mat by her self :) ). The thing is that she lays in such a way that she doesn't make contact with the hocks so it shouldn't affect them in any way. I don't know...we'll be going to the dogtors today and we'll see what they say. Thank you all again!

My friends OEB has this issue often, and when she loses the hair she literally scoots and scratches them Til they bleed. Hers is caused by environmental allergies.

Let us know what they say!

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