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How long to fully potty train?


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Jun 2, 2015
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So, how long did it take for your Frenchie to be fully potty trained?

Bentley is over 4 months and still isn't potty trained. He got to the point where he would pee on his potty pad about 90% of the time. But would poo wherever he wanted. I try to take him outside at any sign of potty now but it hasn't really started to take hold.

I praise him and give him a treat when he goes potty outside. But I was just wondering how long it took you and how did you reinforce it.

Thank you.
My first was fully potty trained from day 1. We literally had ZERO accidents with her.

My 8 month old pup pees in his crate no matter what. But he's finally asking to go out... He was sickly though. He's fully poop trained unless we leave him too long because we are either a) asleep or b) held up in 20 mile long lines at Walmart , but it's not his fault.

Frenchies can be tough to potty train from what I see, so I would just keep reinforcing the way you are and taking immediately outside if he goes inside.
Took us 6 months before I could say he was actually 100% potty trained. He was about 90% for the last 3 months, but we had to watch him like a hawk because he wouldn't give any signs that he needed to go. It was a much longer process than my last dog, but with patience, consistency, and LOTS of treats we finally got there.

Good luck!

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Thankfully it only took Jax a few weeks to get potty trained. The number one thing is to be consistent in taking him out after eating, drinking, playing. Be sure to praise when he goes outside where he is supposed to go.
It took us almost a few two yrs before he was fully on board
Banksy is 4 months and we're working on it. It helps to take them outside to the same spot each time! Other than that, we give him a bigger section of the living room when he seems to be going only on the pee pad, and if he makes a mess we make the section smaller with an x pen. So he earns more space and eventually will get the run of the house.

Good luck! :)
Hudson wasn't potty trained until 8 months old. He didn't show any signs of needing to go out until probably a year. We had to stick to a super strict schedule and one day it just clicked with him.

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It really depends on the Frenchie. Some get it soon and others takes awhile. Henri was pretty much trained at 6 months, and Katie is a year old and she still pees in the house sometimes, so hang in there, they will eventually get it.
Wally was quick to potty train thanks to my BT Uma. She helped a lot with showing him what to do. I think he stopped having accidents after 5 months old.
He hasn't had many accidents inside in the last couple days. But he has stopped eating treats when we are outside. So I'm going to have to try and reward him differently when he does good.
Buster was easy to potty train because we have a pet door and an older dog he followed. Also, he is very regular in the bm department!
Bisou came to us at 16 weeks, where she was pretty much left alone all day with no training. They had a play pen set up next to a doggy door, so she pretty much spent all day outside pottying wherever she happened to be. That was a really hard habit to break. If my memory serves me, she wasn't 100% potty trained until around 9 months, which was 5 months of training. At around 8 months she really only had accidents when it was our fault, but now she can hold it for 6-7 hours if need be. Our biggest hurdle was distractions - our neighbor has a yappy dog that would distract Bisou from her business in the yard. She'd get side tracked, forget why she was out there, then tell us she was ready to go back in. Less than 30 minutes later, there's a puddle on the floor. :sneaky2: She also never really learned how to alert us that she needs to go outside. Her version of 'alerting' is to stare. I mean, really stare. She'll sit across the room from us and stare, then stay put like a statue when we went through the list asking what she wanted. When she'd hear 'outside,' she'd perk up and/or stand up, which was a yes answer. She won't go to the door or whine or scratch or anything... just stares. It took us a long time to figure out that's what she was trying to say!
Bisou came to us at 16 weeks, where she was pretty much left alone all day with no training. They had a play pen set up next to a doggy door, so she pretty much spent all day outside pottying wherever she happened to be. That was a really hard habit to break. If my memory serves me, she wasn't 100% potty trained until around 9 months, which was 5 months of training. At around 8 months she really only had accidents when it was our fault, but now she can hold it for 6-7 hours if need be. Our biggest hurdle was distractions - our neighbor has a yappy dog that would distract Bisou from her business in the yard. She'd get side tracked, forget why she was out there, then tell us she was ready to go back in. Less than 30 minutes later, there's a puddle on the floor. :sneaky2: She also never really learned how to alert us that she needs to go outside. Her version of 'alerting' is to stare. I mean, really stare. She'll sit across the room from us and stare, then stay put like a statue when we went through the list asking what she wanted. When she'd hear 'outside,' she'd perk up and/or stand up, which was a yes answer. She won't go to the door or whine or scratch or anything... just stares. It took us a long time to figure out that's what she was trying to say!

Titan does a "stare" when he needs out too.
He also barks every so often after he stares for awhile and I don't notice the crazy eyed stare. So he's catching on, and the "potty bark" is just a TINY bit different than his normal barks, so it's really hard to tell.
At first I thought that Billy would never get it but just kept going, being as stubborn as he was (is) - letting him out first thing in the morning, after eating and before bed, and totally overdoing the praise when he peed or pooed outside.

I think an important part was totally ignoring him when he did it inside. Sometimes I think he peed inside to get a reaction from me so he soon stopped doing that. By totally ignoring, I mean not even saying his name or anything, or even looking at him. Just cleaning it up and carrying on as usual.

He started sleeping through the night, sometimes for 8-9 hours, by 5 months. Now at 8 months he is fully house trained and only pees inside if it's my fault for missing the cue.

I'm sure you'll get there! It sounds like he is trying to train you so you just need to let him know it's the other way around ;)
At first I thought that Billy would never get it but just kept going, being as stubborn as he was (is) - letting him out first thing in the morning, after eating and before bed, and totally overdoing the praise when he peed or pooed outside.

I think an important part was totally ignoring him when he did it inside. Sometimes I think he peed inside to get a reaction from me so he soon stopped doing that. By totally ignoring, I mean not even saying his name or anything, or even looking at him. Just cleaning it up and carrying on as usual.

He started sleeping through the night, sometimes for 8-9 hours, by 5 months. Now at 8 months he is fully house trained and only pees inside if it's my fault for missing the cue.

I'm sure you'll get there! It sounds like he is trying to train you so you just need to let him know it's the other way around ;)

This is good insight. Hudson actually likes all attention, including negative, and things started working a lot better when we learned to ignore him instead of making a big fuss.

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So, Bentley was getting better but took some steps backwards yesterday and this morning.
Yesterday he peed on my friends couch (took him for dinner and to play with their 3 month old Victorian bulldog, which they do NOT get along).

Then this morning he piddled on the bed a little so we took off the comforter and he instantly took a massive pee on the regular sheets.
Hoping it's just from him having a long day yesterday and a little stress maybe.

He went to the beach for the first time yesterday so maybe that has an affect.
He sounds like my Stella. Jake was a breeze to potty train and Stella was a lot more challenging. She has peed on the couch, my bed and her bed. She is afraid to go out of the dog door so her potty schedule is completely on us to take her out. The more you can establish a consistent schedule the better. Eventually Stella learned to go on command when we took her out so it's nice if we are leaving for a bit. Some frenchies just take longer to train.
Hi there with 4 month it is a bit to early to be fully potty trained, I'm writing right now an new article about potty training and it should be out soon. Hope that you can take out some tips out from it...
Banksy is potty trained in our house at 5 months. But when I take him into another house he forgets all he knows even with direction. Any tips on this?
Banksy is potty trained in our house at 5 months. But when I take him into another house he forgets all he knows even with direction. Any tips on this?

He's still a baby. I would just watch him like a hawk when you go somewhere else. Maybe keep him on a leash and take him out more often than you would at home.
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