How often does your Frenchie puke?


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Sep 23, 2020
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Charlie has always puke randomly every few weeks or so. Was told this is somewhat normal in dogs bc they are dogs. Just yellow foam. Sometimes with digested or undigested food. Strands of hair. Small slivers of plastic from her Benebones. She's a little over 2 years old now.

It has been a lot worse the past few months. The majority is in the middle of the night. She wakes up and gets off the bed and starts grunting. Big piles and small piles. Just this week, she has puked 3 different days. Yellow foam in the morning after her walk before breakfast. She encountered a big dog that got her excited and agitated. Thought it could have been due to empty stomach and the stress.

Last night, she threw up 2 tiny piles of digested food with some chunks in it. The sizes of the pile were about a quarter only.

Tonight, she just threw up again. This time only 1 tiny pile, same quarter size or so. I did see a big stand of hair while picking it up.

At first we thought it was the Dasuquin chews we were given to by the vet for luxating patella in Nov. She would throw up after about 30-60 mins after taking it, which we gave to her with her dinner. We thought even though it's soft, maybe it was too big for her, so we broke it up into smaller pieces. Which did help but would still throw up in the middle of the night. Eventually we just started crumbling it into powder and that helped even more but wasn't a total success. The directions stated to start giving her just one every other day after the first couple of weeks. Her pukes will generally fall on supplement day. We did talk to the vet and she suggested we try Cosequin instead. Might ge easier on her tummy.

Anyways yesterday was at 3AM. Today was 3:30AM. Most of the time, she gets up to let us know to go potty. Otherwise we'll hear her start grunting and we scramble to grab a towel or mat to lay down.

Last night night was her last Dasuquin. I actually anticipated her to throw up bc I saw a small chunk of it that didn't crumble all the way when we it was added to her food. Pea size. No supplement tonight but maybe it was the hair.

We also changed her food to FreshPet around Nov but we imagine if it was food related, the puking would happen throughout the day instead of majority being at night and be even more frequently. Breakfast is at 8am. Dinner at 5pm. Very consistent.
Sounds very much like what my dog does when he hasn’t eaten. The only way I keep my Frenchie from vomiting foam is giving him breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a snack before bed(usually around 10pm) then he doesn’t vomit before breakfast. This usually happens when they have a empty stomach or are hungry. I would definitely try giving smaller meals through the day and definitely a snack before bed will help with the morning vomit before breakfast!

Also good things you can also give are probiotics and maybe bone broth as it helps with their gut health.

What kind of protein is the food??
This could be a late allergic reaction to the new food which can take up to 12 weeks to notice sometimes.

Another cause for vomiting is Elongated soft palate(they usually show other signs of it such as choking/gagging, noisy breathing and exercise intolerance and vomiting).

Hope he gets better soon!
And she just threw up again. A small pile with a several pieces of whole food still. She ate that dinner about 12 hours ago. Happened so fast she couldn't even get off the bed.

No supplements since last Thurs. I know she didn't chew her poop treat completely at about 8:30 PM though. Chewed it once or maybe twice at best before swallowing. It's a small Old Mother Hubbard biscuit. I still break it in half.

Also the protein for FreshPet Vital is Chicken, Beef, Salmon and Eggs. Then we rotate in Beef and Lamb.
Have you gave him a snack right before bed?? Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack right before bed is definitely they way to treat the vomiting due to empty stomach!
Have you tried that?
Ever since I have gave the meals like this my dog hasn’t vomited.

When did he vomit, in the morning before breakfast??
Definitely a snack before bed would be the best option if he is vomiting first thing in the morning before breakfast if the last meal is dinner. See if a snack before bed helps!

Also she could be allergic or sensitive to chicken protein. The mother Hubbard treats I think have wheat and other grains and some of them also have chicken in them, most Frenchies are sensitive to chicken and grains. How long has he been getting those mother Hubbard treats?
Does he show any signs of being allergic to something??

Does he choke/gag or exercise intolerance?? That could be a elongated soft palate if he is showing the other symptoms. Does he show any of these symptoms?

I have been thru all this with Rusty who is almost 3 years old, and it improved so much with the snack before bed. I also avoid common allergy foods such as chicken and grains since he does have allergies.
And another pile of puke at about 3AM. I heard her get up and she starts smacking her mouth and can tell it's pretty wet by the sound. I didn't see anything where she was at. Thought it was a close one and she just swallowed it.

When I woke up this morning, saw the pile at a different spot. Still had lots of solid round pieces of food in it. Maybe 1/4 cups worth.

Right before bed, she got a treat, then got the major zoomies. She had this cough like the treat got stuck in her throat. It went away after a couple minutes,

I guess we'll start eliminating foods and treats 1 at a time and see if it makes a difference. I still think she would be liking everyday if it was food related though.

It's weird that it mostly happens in the middle of the night. Can this also be caused by overheating? She likes to tuck way down underneath the sheets. She'll wake up panting and sprawl on top for awhile to cool off. Once she gets cold, she'll do it again. Oh, she did not chew her bone last night.
Since it’s only in the middle of the night and in the morning before breakfast, it’s very likely it’s because of an empty stomach. My Frenchie did this every day at about the same time as yours, the only way to put a stop to the vomiting due to empty stomach is a snack before bed, not just a treat cause that won’t be enough to help it. So what I recommend is giving breakfast, dinner, and a snack before bed but the bedtime snack must be more than a treat, for example split her daily amount of food into 3 meals, you can still give that treat too but she needs a small meal as well. My Frenchie gets 1/4 cup before bed and it works wonders. I highly recommend trying this!
Does the vomiting happen every day??

Since she is vomiting up pieces maybe she isn’t chewing her food much? If possible you can try breaking her food up into smaller pieces to help her digest it better. Sometimes there can be food in it but other times it’s just foam vomit.

If it was a food allergy, you would likely see symptoms such as hives/bumps on her skin and they are usually red, itchy ears and itchy skin and paws. Does this happen every day or on the chicken days when she vomits??? Maybe she can’t tolerate chicken??

The other cause for the vomiting can be Elongated soft palate, that can cause them to overheat easily, choke and cough on even the smallest things, exercise intolerance sometimes and vomiting.
Is she out of breath after she plays?

These are all the usual things that can cause Frenchies to vomit like this(my Frenchie had all these issues elongated soft palate, does have allergies and vomits only if he doesn’t have a small meal before bed). But by avoiding the allergies, I cook for him and do topical treatments for the environmental allergy.

Definitely give a small meal right before bed(not just the treat) and let me know how she is doing!

Hope she gets better soon and we can hopefully get to the bottom of this😊

Keep me updated!
Since it’s only in the middle of the night and in the morning before breakfast, it’s very likely it’s because of an empty stomach. My Frenchie did this every day at about the same time as yours, the only way to put a stop to the vomiting due to empty stomach is a snack before bed, not just a treat cause that won’t be enough to help it. So what I recommend is giving breakfast, dinner, and a snack before bed but the bedtime snack must be more than a treat, for example split her daily amount of food into 3 meals, you can still give that treat too but she needs a small meal as well. My Frenchie gets 1/4 cup before bed and it works wonders. I highly recommend trying this!
Does the vomiting happen every day??

Since she is vomiting up pieces maybe she isn’t chewing her food much? If possible you can try breaking her food up into smaller pieces to help her digest it better. Sometimes there can be food in it but other times it’s just foam vomit.

If it was a food allergy, you would likely see symptoms such as hives/bumps on her skin and they are usually red, itchy ears and itchy skin and paws. Does this happen every day or on the chicken days when she vomits??? Maybe she can’t tolerate chicken??

The other cause for the vomiting can be Elongated soft palate, that can cause them to overheat easily, choke and cough on even the smallest things, exercise intolerance sometimes and vomiting.
Is she out of breath after she plays?

These are all the usual things that can cause Frenchies to vomit like this(my Frenchie had all these issues elongated soft palate, does have allergies and vomits only if he doesn’t have a small meal before bed). But by avoiding the allergies, I cook for him and do topical treatments for the environmental allergy.

Definitely give a small meal right before bed(not just the treat) and let me know how she is doing!

Hope she gets better soon and we can hopefully get to the bottom of this😊

Keep me updated!
I get the empty stomach if it was only yellow foam but how can it be due to an empty stomach when food is coming out? Though it's obvious she needs to chew her food better instead of swallowing it lol. This is the first food we've found where she really seems to love.

She puked again sometime this morning after we left. The wife found a puke pile about 3 hours later when she got home. Looks very clumpy. I'm guessing this may be because she ate her puke pile earlier, which probably upset her tummy even more.


She doesn't get winded easily. She doesn't seem to have any issues breathing. I've seen chunky frenchies that are snorting and sound like they are suffocating. She is silent. But maybe it's big enough to cause eating issues.

She hasn't had the biscuit treat today. We'll see if she pukes in a couple hours. She was ripping a little bit of grass tonight on our walk. Couldn't tell if she ate them or was just pulling on it.
oh my, she really needs to chew it more!

Since you mentioned that is the only food she really likes so far, definitely sounds like she is a bit picky like Rusty lol!

If it could be certain ingredients in the food, I would recommend cooking up some ground beef and some sweet potato (sweet potatoes are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than grains). Maybe try cooking it for her for a few days and see if it makes a difference with the vomiting.
This soothes their stomach and maybe it will stop the vomiting. This is also small enough that if they don’t chew it it’s not a big deal and won’t be vomiting up chunks of food.
Is cooking this for a few days an option for you to see if it helps her stomach???

This soft food is much easier if they have a elongated soft palate. The fresh pet food will be good too when it’s chewed or broken down into small pieces.

That is great if she doesn’t get tired easily and out of breath, and is a quiet breather.

Rusty actually was a very quiet breather other than the snoring, but was choking/coughing and gagging and out of breath after very little play and a small walk and took a long time to catch his breath and he was almost like overheated, but he was still a quiet breather other than the choking/coughing and the snoring. He vomited way more often as well and even though was a quiet breather other than snoring and choking he needed his soft palate surgery which was in November.
Now he doesn’t snore anymore, no choking /coughing, no vomiting at all ever since before he had the surgery, I still have to give a snack before bed(the soft palate was SO long that it literally was blocking his airway and there was everted largneal saccules that had to be removed due to the palate being so long).

Maybe her palate is a bit longer than it should be which can definitely cause the vomiting issues. I know you said she is quiet breather but Does she snore? Or cough/choke??

If you cook the beef and sweet potatoes and she stops vomiting it could be a food allergy.

Hope she gets better soon!
Keep me updated!
Yes, she is super picky. We've tried over a dozen brands and variety.

She snores a little bit, usually when she's on her back. Otherwise, she's pretty quiet.

Welp, I'm told she puked bile yesterday Sunday morning. They slept in, so she didnt go on her morning walk until about 930am. Came back in and puked. Wouldn't touch her breakfast until about 1 or 2. So 5pm until 10 am is too long of a stretch.

Fed her dinner at about 7pm. She was ready for that.

Today, we're trying the 3 meals a day. Just had her first 1.

We're planning on 8, 1, and 8 or maybe 7.

If nothing happens in a week or 2 , we might try try twice a day again, but have dinner be really late. Like 8 am and 7 or 8pm.
Yes definitely try the 3 meals a day as that was very likely the cause of her vomiting yesterday.
Did she vomit at all on Saturday??

The picky sounds like Rusty cause I have tried at least 14 brands of kibble, a bunch of canned, a store baught gently cooked, also I have tried the fresh pet food which he liked only for 2 days then won’t touch it lol. The only thing that works for Rusty i
Sorry the end of my post cut out and it posted while I was typing!
The only thing that works for Rusty is home cooked and I rotate between 4 different recipes.

I am very glad to hear you are gonna give the 3 meals a day a try!

Keep me updated!
Yes definitely try the 3 meals a day as that was very likely the cause of her vomiting yesterday.
Did she vomit at all on Saturday??

The picky sounds like Rusty cause I have tried at least 14 brands of kibble, a bunch of canned, a store baught gently cooked, also I have tried the fresh pet food which he liked only for 2 days then won’t touch it lol. The only thing that works for Rusty i
No vomit for Sat, Sun, Mon.

We slept in today. She ate at about 1030 am. I left at about 1130 and got back at about 1230pm. Found a pile of puke when I got home. Looked like her entire breakfast.

She is chewing on grass frequently lately. What is the deal with that. Did it this morning before breakfast. And was doing it again just now after lunch.
Yes, she is super picky. We've tried over a dozen brands and variety.

She snores a little bit, usually when she's on her back. Otherwise, she's pretty quiet.

Welp, I'm told she puked bile yesterday Sunday morning. They slept in, so she didnt go on her morning walk until about 930am. Came back in and puked. Wouldn't touch her breakfast until about 1 or 2. So 5pm until 10 am is too long of a stretch.

Fed her dinner at about 7pm. She was ready for that.

Today, we're trying the 3 meals a day. Just had her first 1.

We're planning on 8, 1, and 8 or maybe 7.

If nothing happens in a week or 2 , we might try try twice a day again, but have dinner be really late. Like 8 am and 7 or 8pm.
Have you had her palate evaluated?
No vomit for Sat, Sun, Mon.

We slept in today. She ate at about 1030 am. I left at about 1130 and got back at about 1230pm. Found a pile of puke when I got home. Looked like her entire breakfast.

She is chewing on grass frequently lately. What is the deal with that. Did it this morning before breakfast. And was doing it again just now after lunch.

That’s great she didn’t vomit For those 3 days in a row.
Was it digested or undigested food?
Since she didn’t vomit those 3 days in a row, did you feed the 3 meals(the snack before bed)? Was there chicken as the protein on the days she didn’t vomit??

Her soft palate can definitely be a good part of the issue!
She could be eating grass for no reason, some dogs actually like the taste but she will do it more often if she doesn’t feel good. This can also happen if she isn’t tolerating something(chicken is common to cause that if they are allergic to the chicken).
Have you eliminated the chicken?

If she isn’t feeling good and eating grass, you can definitely try probiotics and bone broth. Both these settle their stomachs.

Keep me updated!
Have you had her palate evaluated?

No but that will be on our list for next time she's at the vet or if we decide to have this checked out.

That’s great she didn’t vomit For those 3 days in a row.
Was it digested or undigested food?
Since she didn’t vomit those 3 days in a row, did you feed the 3 meals(the snack before bed)? Was there chicken as the protein on the days she didn’t vomit??

Her soft palate can definitely be a good part of the issue!
She could be eating grass for no reason, some dogs actually like the taste but she will do it more often if she doesn’t feel good. This can also happen if she isn’t tolerating something(chicken is common to cause that if they are allergic to the chicken).
Have you eliminated the chicken?

If she isn’t feeling good and eating grass, you can definitely try probiotics and bone broth. Both these settle their stomachs.

Keep me updated!

It was undigested food. And yes, she did have 3 meals yesterday with her last being at 7PM. She didnt get to eat until 10:30AM the next day though, so I wonder if that played a role in it.

It could be FreshPet causing this too, but not such as ingredients and the likes. I'm thinking since she loves this food so much, she's swallowing them whole and maybe this is the root problem.

We havent cut chicken out of her diet yet bc she's eaten it all her life without issue in other forms. This bag is almost gone and we'll be going to Beef and Lamb here in a couple of days. Each bag lasts about 2 weeks.
No but that will be on our list for next time she's at the vet or if we decide to have this checked out.

It was undigested food. And yes, she did have 3 meals yesterday with her last being at 7PM. She didnt get to eat until 10:30AM the next day though, so I wonder if that played a role in it.

It could be FreshPet causing this too, but not such as ingredients and the likes. I'm thinking since she loves this food so much, she's swallowing them whole and maybe this is the root problem.

We havent cut chicken out of her diet yet bc she's eaten it all her life without issue in other forms. This bag is almost gone and we'll be going to Beef and Lamb here in a couple of days. Each bag lasts about 2 weeks.

Since the last meal is at 7 I would try to give it at 8pm if possible cause that can definitely help and then if she sleeps in there won’t be vomit foam from being hungry before breakfast.

Last time Rusty ate grass cause he liked the taste of it he actually vomited from the grass not because he was sick.

Glad to know she is not allergic to the chicken.

I would highly suggest breaking up the food into smaller pieces since she likes to eat it whole and fast. If she is still eating it fast, I would add some water to her meals to slow her down.
I have always added water to Rusty’s food even since I home cook for him, I still add water to it and he loves it and it slows him down.

If you think it could be the food, I would consider cooking for a few days for her and see if it does anything for her vomiting. For example, try a extra lean ground beef, sweet potato(inside only) and cook those ingredients up to see if that helps if you are able to give that a try for a few days.

Also a suggestion:
If you aren’t wanting to try home cooking for her for a few days to see if it is the fresh pet food, there is a gently cooked food that you can buy in certain pet stores and online that meets the nutritional requirements. The gently cooked food is called Open Farm brand if you google “Open Farm Gently Cooked” it’s grain free and they have it in Chicken, beef, Turkey, and Surf and turf recipes. I used to feed Rusty this until he got picky. It uses butternut squash and is a very good low carb option which is great for inflammation and it’s less likely to cause an allergic reaction than wheat, rice and other grains that are often used.
If you can find get it(it’s available in the US and in Canada) but I think they can deliver it from an online order in US.
I would give it a try as that can definitely help see if the fresh pet food is part of the cause. It’s super easy to digest and it’s smaller than the fresh pet once you separate the amount in her dish.

Keep me updated!
We used Open Farms Gently Cooked for a while. Charlie liked it briefly for maybe a few weeks. Then she stopped eating it lol. We rotated the proteins.

We use to use Open Farm freeze dried as a topper in all her food. That was the only way to get her to eat any of her food consistently. Still have 2 bags but haven't had to add them with FreshPet. Use it as treats now.

We still have this big bag of Honest Kitchen Clusters w/ grain. It's the previous food before we tried FreshPet. We add about a 1/4 cup total per day to her meals. It's about 5 or 6 clusters in each serving. Wife wanted Charlie to have some grain in her diet bc link of DCM in grain free diets.
We used Open Farms Gently Cooked for a while. Charlie liked it briefly for maybe a few weeks. Then she stopped eating it lol. We rotated the proteins.

We use to use Open Farm freeze dried as a topper in all her food. That was the only way to get her to eat any of her food consistently. Still have 2 bags but haven't had to add them with FreshPet. Use it as treats now.

We still have this big bag of Honest Kitchen Clusters w/ grain. It's the previous food before we tried FreshPet. We add about a 1/4 cup total per day to her meals. It's about 5 or 6 clusters in each serving. Wife wanted Charlie to have some grain in her diet bc link of DCM in grain free diets.

That’s just like Rusty, he got tired of the open farm gently cooked too lol.

Is the Fresh Pet food grain free??

There is a lot unknown of DCM which also have been linked to foods with grains in them. The problem is with the grain free is that they are replacing the high quality meat protein with cheaper high protein foods such as peas, legumes, lentils and things like “pea protein” which has very little amino acids in it, which meat is high in amino acids so when the amino acids are added back in they can’t absorb it properly and also legumes are stopping them from absorption of amino acid taurine. Grains in the food don’t prevent DCM cause foods have been linked too it even with grains.

The Honest Kitchen has had some recalls too on it I have read/seen.

Are you willing to try cooking some beef and sweet potatoes to try for a few days? All my recipes I make are complete and balanced.

Open Farm has a great bone broth(we use the beef bone broth from Open Farm) and it’s amazing and it helps with digestion issues and immune booster and anti inflammatory.

Since she likes freeze dried raw, you can try her on a raw diet? Not sure if you are wanting to give that a try? The advice though if she did give it a try is don’t mix it with kibble or cooked food as it digests differently and can cause digestive issues if not given separately(only raw in a meal without any cooked or kibble or canned).
with raw food and home cooked there is nothing stopping them from absorbing fairing and other amino acids so they are less likely to get DCM if fed raw or home cooked because the protein comes only from the meat without anything blocking the absorption of the amino acids, and it’s high quality protein and good sources of taurine. If you think she needs more taurine and you don’t want to change her to Raw(frozen) or home cooked then try adding some canned sardines which she will get taurine from cause it’s rich in taurine!

I still highly recommended breaking up her fresh pet food so she digests it better.
The open farm bone broth is really good option to try too since it helps with gut health which is really important!

Keep me updated!
That’s just like Rusty, he got tired of the open farm gently cooked too lol.

Is the Fresh Pet food grain free??

There is a lot unknown of DCM which also have been linked to foods with grains in them. The problem is with the grain free is that they are replacing the high quality meat protein with cheaper high protein foods such as peas, legumes, lentils and things like “pea protein” which has very little amino acids in it, which meat is high in amino acids so when the amino acids are added back in they can’t absorb it properly and also legumes are stopping them from absorption of amino acid taurine. Grains in the food don’t prevent DCM cause foods have been linked too it even with grains.

The Honest Kitchen has had some recalls too on it I have read/seen.

Are you willing to try cooking some beef and sweet potatoes to try for a few days? All my recipes I make are complete and balanced.

Open Farm has a great bone broth(we use the beef bone broth from Open Farm) and it’s amazing and it helps with digestion issues and immune booster and anti inflammatory.

Since she likes freeze dried raw, you can try her on a raw diet? Not sure if you are wanting to give that a try? The advice though if she did give it a try is don’t mix it with kibble or cooked food as it digests differently and can cause digestive issues if not given separately(only raw in a meal without any cooked or kibble or canned).
with raw food and home cooked there is nothing stopping them from absorbing fairing and other amino acids so they are less likely to get DCM if fed raw or home cooked because the protein comes only from the meat without anything blocking the absorption of the amino acids, and it’s high quality protein and good sources of taurine. If you think she needs more taurine and you don’t want to change her to Raw(frozen) or home cooked then try adding some canned sardines which she will get taurine from cause it’s rich in taurine!

I still highly recommended breaking up her fresh pet food so she digests it better.
The open farm bone broth is really good option to try too since it helps with gut health which is really important!

Keep me updated!
Yeah that's the thing with grain free. I hate how they sub in cheap protein fillers. This Freshpet does have lentils and pea protein in it but they are lower on the ingredient list. We notice she is significantly less gassy than before. She wasn't even that gassy previously. Also when she farts, there is no smell the majority of the time. Was surprised by this pleasant change.

We tried the Open Farms broth too. She didn't care for it at all. We tried their kibbles and she wasn't a fan.

We prefer not to do raw or cook her meals. There is a local raw company that was recommended here near Seattle but I forgot what it is.

Anyways, ran out of chicken last night and she's rotated to beef and lamb at the moment.
That’s great you have seen improvement with the gas.
Rusty won’t eat any kind kibble at all. He only likes the bone broth in his food but he won’t eat the broth by itself.

I’m not sure of the local raw food companies near Seattle cause I’m in BC in Canada.
Are you meaning you are considering commercial raw already done but without making her food whether cooked or raw?
I know you said you don’t want to do raw or cook for her but then you mentioned you have a place that has raw but you don’t know the name of the place?

I’m not asking you to switch her food I was just giving suggestions incase you thought her food was the issue and your concerned about DCM. 😊

How is she doing with the 3 meals a day??? Any vomiting??
Have you been breaking it up in pieces?

Is she still eating grass?

Also another good source of taurine you can give as a treat:
Stella and chewy brand has a 1 ingredient treats that come in beef liver and beef heart. They are freeze dried treats, but if you get the beef heart treats they are a good source of taurine with little to no nutrient loss cause it’s a freeze dried treat just like the open farm freeze dried you give for treats. That’s available in US and in Canada.