How to make them snake smart.


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Mar 15, 2016
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Hi. I tried checking the search engine and couldn't find anything about training your Frenchie to be "snake smart". Could be that it's here and I missed it. Has anyone had any experience with snake training their Frenchies?
Oddly enough, the first time my old Papillon, Hamlet ( rest his sweet soul) saw a rattler, he POINTED IT! I about flipped out. I knew right then he was snake savy. Didn't worry for him after that.So what about a Frenchie?
Can someone weigh in on this for me? Thanks!
I have had snake experiences with English Bulldogs, not French. I had my 2 EBs on leash walking on a paved USFS road when Mack spotted a big old water snake sunning himself in the middle of the road. Mack(RIP) went ballistic barking and pulling trying to get to the snake; Ruggles hadn't seen the snake yet, but joined in with Mack barking and pulling. Snakes can't hear, so I started jumping up and down on the road as I was trying to hold 130 lbs. of dog back. Finally the snake hustled off in to the grass. I could just see the 2 of them playing tug with the snake. Mack continued to look for the snake when we walked that route! Buster is so much better at leaving it when given the command, and he isn't as strong. I don't think that would happen with him!
There is very little chance of coming across a poisonous snake where I live so I never tried to train a dog to be snake smart. Ironically, I have run across 2 Massassauga Rattlers up north in cottage country while walking Uma but she didn't pay any attention and luckily both times the snake was crossing the road and not coiled up with its rattle going.
The leave it command is always good for things like this. I use it on walks when my dogs want to bury their nose in some dead animal or another dog's poop.
The leave it command is always good for things like this. I use it on walks when my dogs want to bury their nose in some dead animal or another dog's poop.

Yes, I appreciate the "leave it" command. Worth it's weight in gold. But there's a great chance out here of your dog flushing out a snake with your back turned. You have to make sure he knows better than to mess with it to begin with. It has cost some people their pet's life for not having done so. The "preventative vaccine" is almost more frightening than getting bitten when administered to smaller breeds so I wouldn't consider it. I guess I'll have to find a smaller bull snake to try to teach the new pup with. They look a lot like rattlers and will even coil and try to make a rattle- ish sound to fake you off.
We use the leave it command with Cheli, but it doe not always work, especially with something that is moving.... i.e. toads. frogs, snakes. We already pulled one out of his mouth, luckily it was harmless, but now, we scope for them before we left him out and then stay with him the whole time they are in the yard.

good luck
We use the leave it command with Cheli, but it doe not always work, especially with something that is moving.... i.e. toads. frogs, snakes.
I can't imagine how relieved you were to discover the snake was non-poisonous! I know their prey drive must make it difficult to rein them in. That's what surprised me about my Papillon, he was a fierce ratter. Nothing made him happier than to chase one down and it throttle it to death. But he sure knew to leave those rattlers alone. I wish I knew why. You're right of course, vigilance and supervision. They're going to find SOME kind of mischief anyway, right?
Yes, Cheli is always trying to get into something--- gotta watch him in the yard

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Oh my I have never even thought of this. Banksy would probably try to attack a snake... and by attack I mean hop around it trying to look tough.. and aiko would probably try to eat it. Since I live on a farm now maybe this is something I should consider!

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