howling when not home


New member
Dec 29, 2016
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okay, so i've had Gypsy for 2 days now. and i desperately needed groceries so i left her home alone for the first time. i was curious how it was going to go so i put my mom on facetime on my laptop and pointed it toward the play pen she was staying in. when i left, she had her water bowl, a bed, several toys, and pee pads for pottying.

i got to the store and my mom said she was howling and completely losing it. i think i was gone a total of 40 minutes. around the 25 min mark my mom said it occurred to her to try something to help distract gypsy. She took two fingers and rythmicly beat them on a surface for a while. Gypsy heard it and stopped crying, and kinda stared at the computer and eventually laid down and fell asleep. so she woke up when she heard me come in the door.

so what i think i might try is seeing if i can find a youtube video on a loop of a rhythmic sounds for her. i'm really worried about when i go back to work in a few days. but i am getting someone from the Rover app to come in and check on her every day i'm at work.

sorry this is so rant-y, just wanted to hear everyone's opinions and any insights or tips you might have!

Concerned mommy,
I always leave music or the tv on. Sounds that make them think you are around somewhere in the house.
We have 2 dogs and a cat so they aren't alone. When we had just one dog for a short time and left him alone in our business he sat on a bench looking out the window and howling! He was an English Bulldog!