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Interdigital Cyst?????


New member
Aug 11, 2014
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Hi everyone! I noticed my 5 year old Frenchie, Vera, was licking her foot like crazy. After looking at it, I noticed swelling between two toes. It's not red and she can walk fine but she is my first Frenchie and I'm by no means an expert so after Googling it (where would we be without Google?) I think it may be an interdigital cyst. I read to soak it several times a day in Epsom salt, use hydrogen peroxide, and preparation h ointment. Does anyone have experience with this? Below is a picture from this morning.

Thank you all for your help!image.webp
That is exactly what it is.... They are caused by allergies. Try wiping her paws when she comes in from Being outside too... my Bulldog was allergic to all grasses and weeds and rice.... Once we got rice out of his diet and wiped his paws after potty or playing outside, he never got another one.
Sounds like you have the treatment down pat. Lucy used to get them and we changed her food and she hasn't gotten one since. They are caused by allergies, either environmental or from food.
Thanks all for the help! I sent the picture to the woman who runs the rescue I adopted Vera from. She's also a vet tech at my vet office. She told me to just give her four 10 mg Loratadine tablets a day. Should I also do what I had planned with the Epsom salt to cover all of my bases?
Hmmm....two weeks ago I changed Vera's food from Blue Buffalo Basics (grain free) to Blue Buffalo Life Protection (one with brown rice and oatmeal). Perhaps I should switch her back to a grain free one. I've had her a little over a month so I hope it's not environmental! Food allergies are so much easier to deal with!
Yes I would still do the Epsom salt soaks, and if you have any vetericin, maecetic or Douxo wipes that will help too.

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Hmmm....two weeks ago I changed Vera's food from Blue Buffalo Basics (grain free) to Blue Buffalo Life Protection (one with brown rice and oatmeal). Perhaps I should switch her back to a grain free one. I've had her a little over a month so I hope it's not environmental! Food allergies are so much easier to deal with!

This couId be a huge reason as why the cyst came to be - hope you manage to figure it out and Vera gets better
Changed Vera's food to Blue Buffalo Freedom last night. She didn't lick her paw at all! I'm still going to continue to soak her foot and give her allergy medicine until the swelling goes away. Thanks all for your help!
Changed Vera's food to Blue Buffalo Freedom last night. She didn't lick her paw at all! I'm still going to continue to soak her foot and give her allergy medicine until the swelling goes away. Thanks all for your help!

:up: good luck... keep us posted