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Is that a Pug?

Uh, (for the gazillianth time), that would be a "no". :facepalm:

Yeah, it's annoying!! I had someone say that about both of mine this weekend...... she said "I've always wanted a Pug" ...... Lady, if you've "always wanted a Pug", then you should know these aren't PUGS!!!! People! :censored:
OMG I get this all the time ! When I tell them that Bodhi is a French bulldog they act as though I don't know what I'm talking about. It really bothers me sometimes :( image.webpimage.webp
Stitch got called pit bull twice and "what kind of dog is that" A LOT like can't you see the wrinkly face and ginormous ears haha seriously who doesn't know about frenchies they're like the best living thing in this world!

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When we took Twiggy on vacation she got called all sorts of things..even a Persian (not sure what that was about).
When we took Twiggy on vacation she got called all sorts of things..even a Persian (not sure what that was about).

Persian? Like, a cat???

Frenchies are becoming quite popular here so most people now think that I have 2 Frenchies. Close enough.
This morning a lady asked me if Dexter was a boxer crossed with a pug...... Erm, no. But it's an interesting concept! :D
Hmmmm, I have one Frenchie, & three Pugs. Not even close in looks:

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The Frenchie is Wally, the Fawn is Maggie (she has DM & has now lost use of her back legs). The black is my bud Rocky (he & wally cannot be in the same room anymore)


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Beautiful pups! My Frenchie's name is Wally too!

Cool! On the ride home from the breeder we went through about one hundred names until we hit on Wally. It fits him. We also went through three hours of farting on that trip. I knew my Pugs had gas, but they don`t hold a candle to Wally. We had the windows down all the way home, & that was in January! I`m fairly sure this little dog could almost clear a soccer stadium.
Cool! On the ride home from the breeder we went through about one hundred names until we hit on Wally. It fits him. We also went through three hours of farting on that trip. I knew my Pugs had gas, but they don`t hold a candle to Wally. We had the windows down all the way home, & that was in January!

haha! I have a Boston Terrier and thought I knew what stinky farts were. Turns out I had no clue. lol! I feed Wally probiotic (yogurt) to help with his gas issues and it does help a lot.
haha! I have a Boston Terrier and thought I knew what stinky farts were. Turns out I had no clue. lol! I feed Wally probiotic (yogurt) to help with his gas issues and it does help a lot.

Thanks, I might have to try that. Either that, or invest in a couple of bio hazard suits :)
We switched food recently and it's helped with the smellyness quite a bit!!! Went from acana chicken to fromm red meat

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If yogurt works, I`m going to set up a IV for Wally :)
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