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Lil Miss Sassy

Quella and her dieting brother form another mother. $8 from Costco when the skeleton dogs have been $30-40 at Party City and Ace Hardware.


The look on her face is priceless
Hoppy Howloween friends. Quella La Roux, the Day of the Dead bride.


And her first carnival...


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Thank goodness for webcams while away. I get to watch Quella while grandpa babysits err umm I mean dog sits.

She has great forehead wrinkles!

On your first three posts, all I had was a black X in a small box (?) and couldn't see the pic. :(
Happy holidays to our Frenchie friends and family from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

Quella pouting in her new Yap harness. I can lift her by the handle or use it as a walking harness. It's reversible so one side has a cute brownish pattern and the other side is tan. Such a cutie.


And my new Moto 360 watch. I added a pic of Q-Roux to the home screen. Adorbs.

I got my Jill Martin tote in the mail this week. Well, actually it came the 21st. But I don't check the mail very often... obviously. Ha. It's super cute and a great pool, beach, day travel bag. Unfortunately, it has an open top so I need to make sure if it leans over that nothing falls out nor do I leave any panties floating around. Hehe. When I was holding it up, the shape looked very similar to a tote that you'd carry a dog in, so you know me... I just had to try and squeeze my 19lb Q inside. I picked her up, put her in and she stood in place. I was nervous her neck was getting smooshed against the side wall, but there was tons of room for her to breathe and move around. I couldn't take it. I stood in the mirror cracking up and praising her for minutes. I then set the bag down and she stayed put and didn't jump out. What a good girl. I took her out and gave her tons of excited play and straight for treats. I always said I'd never be a stroller dog owner, then I got a stroller but I honestly don't think I could actually carry my dog in a tote. Then again, I usually carry her under my arm and the tote was super comfortable... hmm. Maybe I'll be in the market for an actual dog tote soon enough. Either way, I just had to share.



XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
LOL she looks SO cute in there! Looks like it was made just for her!

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Happy Birthday Quella La Roux! 2 years old and sassy as ever! Here she is from this weekend practicing down and stay at an outdoor mall. She was pooped from all the excitement and 75 degree temperatures.


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Cute. Happy belated birthday sweet girl

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Happy belated Quella you spoiled girl!

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I took Q to Wag N Wash for a bathe. I know, I know... it's kind of silly that I'm paying to wash my own dog, but it's so much fun using the shampoo machine that has wash and rinse with 4 different shampoo products. They also give me a bucket with towels to dry her, a washcloth to wash her face, brushes and leave in conditioner and cologne and an area with blow dryers.

What's crazy is that I've been bathing Q at home weekly with Malaseb because of her regularity of yeasty paws, oily fur and allergies. Well, I used oatmeal shampoo at Wag N Wash and Q hasn't scratched her ears, face or belly since the bathe when usually she is obsessive when it comes to scratching. The past 1.5 years I think I have been causing her allergic reaction with the medicated shampoo. I'm crossing my fingers that the oatmeal shampoo is the fix. When I first got her, I only cleansed with oatmeal shampoo until she had a yeast infection in her paws and armpits and I started Malaseb, but never realized that her allergies were worse with the shampoo. I thought it was seasonal and even switched her food several times and just kept bathing her weekly and giving her a daily dose of Temaril-P and occassional Cephelexin when she had sores from scratching so badly. Crossing my fingers!


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
We use oatmeal shampoo!! Cute pic. How much is it to bathe her there?

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It's $18. A lil cheaper than taking her to the groomer and I get to wash and massage her, which I'm sure she enjoys more than a stranger. I like it because I don't have to bend over in the shower at home or squat next to the tub. It's such a convenience. Before taking her there, I was considering getting a wash tub from Home Depot installed at home for the dog. It's still an idea... Below is my Weimaraner named Gracen Roo that I had before Quella La Roux. Pardon her face, as this was a short while before I had to put her to sleep due to idiopathic cluster seizures. You can see the despair in her poor lil face. Bless her heart.


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
I use Johnsons and Johnsons Oatmeal! It smells amazing, makes them extremely soft and every dog I've ever washed with it has no issues with it!

Hoping the shampoo curbs her itching for good! That'd be awesome!

Gracen was gorgeous! Sweet girl!

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Wow! You might be on to something there! Fingers crossed that the oatmeal shampoo did the trick.
I bought this floor cushion from Costco for $19.99 for my upcoming foot surgery in a few weeks. Looks like I'll be sharing it with Lil Miss Sassy Pants. Hmph

"Another bed for me? Thanks mama!" ;)

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She is so freakin cute

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