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My Little Alien is 7 months old!


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Jul 20, 2014
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Little Miss Tallulah turned 7 months old yesterday! She's still tiny, about 13.5 pounds, but she is looking more like a bulldog and less like the alien puppy we took home June. She's even starting to get wrinkles on her face! Of course I had to share her 7 month old picture - taken this morning before I reluctantly went to work. Luckily, she gets to go to work with her Daddy every day so she is never alone and she meets lots of people who adore her :)

7 months new.webp
What a little cutie pie she is. She is little but I bet she is loaded with love. :)
What a little cutie pie she is. She is little but I bet she is loaded with love. :)

That she is! I'm afraid she is getting a little spoiled, lol. She really thinks that everyone she meets, should adore her. Don't know if it's a frenchie thing or what - but she cannot walk past a person without trying to stop to get attention, lol She gives just as much love as she gets though, so it's an nice even exchange :heart:
That's the same way zeta is around people as if she expects to she should be the center of attention and not that she doesn't catch a lot of attention when out in walks
So tiny and too cute! And yes, I think it's a Frenchie thing because Jax is the same way with people. And if someone doesn't give him the proper attention, he doesn't understand.
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