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Nare surgery


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Nov 24, 2014
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Hi all,

We just moved and paid a visit to our new vet. She treats lots of frenchies and other flat faced breeds. She is recommending nare surgery for my 10 month old. I've done a good amount of research and already thought his nares could use a little widening. Question for those whose pups have had the surgery: Did you get a
second opinion? How was the recovery?

Thanks for your help!

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My vet breeds frenchies, so she specializes in them. She suggested waiting til my boy was over a year old to neuter to make sure his head gets nice and big and make sure he's as opened up as much as will naturally allow, and then while he's under for a neuter, she'll probably get in there and do that as well, since you can hear how troubled his breathing is most of the time.

So maybe (if this isn't already the plan) do that? :)

Good luck! And it's stressful considering any surgery for our babies! You know we'll all be here along the way! :)
Hi all,

We just moved and paid a visit to our new vet. She treats lots of frenchies and other flat faced breeds. She is recommending nare surgery for my 10 month old. I've done a good amount of research and already thought his nares could use a little widening. Question for those whose pups have had the surgery: Did you get a
second opinion? How was the recovery?

Thanks for your help!

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Can you show a good pic of Mickey's nose? Compared to elongated soft palate surgery, stenotic nares surgery is a breeze. However, we must always be careful about putting our Frenchies under anesthesia. If in doubt, get a second opinion.
I did not get second opinion cause i knew from previous experience that Cheli needed it done.... Sleep apnea and snoring were big issue
None of our dogs have required that surgery, but we wish Mickie well!
Unless absolutely necessary, I wouldnt put them under and get it done.
Its true that quite a few bulldogs need it done,but definitely not all of them.
For example, my girl doesnt have any breathing/snoring issues and her vet never expressed any concerns regarding her nares.
I would wait until he is fully grown and decide then.
I agree with others in that I would hold off on the nare surgery until your girl is a little older. During the first little while that we had our pups, our male had pinched nares, and he would whistle when he slept. lol When he went for his regular check-up at the vet, even the vet said that often pups will grow out of this, so no need to make any decisions right now. She recommended the same thing; if it's still an issue, get it done when they're already under for their spay/neuter.

I'm happy to say that Fergus' nares have opened, he breathes completely normal now, so no need! :D You just never know how your pup will develop. :)
Can you show a good pic of Mickey's nose? Compared to elongated soft palate surgery, stenotic nares surgery is a breeze. However, we must always be careful about putting our Frenchies under anesthesia. If in doubt, get a second opinion.


Sorry for the delay, i get busy and forget to check the page! Here are some pics of him.

I am going to take some advice and wait until he is a little bit older. Seems this Southern California weather is treating him well. If I become concerned again, I'll take him for a second opinion and go from there.

Thanks everyone for the input. So grateful for this group!

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I don't completely understand the nare surgery thing, can anyone show some before and after pix so I can better understand.
I've done research online, but yeAh, i'd love pics from
Before and after from ppl on here.

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My vet recommended it for Jake when he was small and I waited it out and he's fine now at 2 1/2.
I was looking at Jax's nose the other day and noticed his nares seemed pretty narrow. He snores *sometimes* but not enough for me to be concerned about. Here's a picture of his little gorilla nose (that's what I call it):

I was looking at Jax's nose the other day and noticed his nares seemed pretty narrow. He snores *sometimes* but not enough for me to be concerned about. Here's a picture of his little gorilla nose (that's what I call it):

View attachment 6342

That's what Hudson's look like too. He snores, but breathes fine when he's running around and doesn't overheat easily or anything. The vet has never mentioned it as an option for him.

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That's what Hudson's look like too. He snores, but breathes fine when he's running around and doesn't overheat easily or anything. The vet has never mentioned it as an option for him.

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Same with Wally. When he was a puppy my vet mentioned that he may have an issue but once he was full grown they said that he'll be fine. Wally does snore, I wear ear plugs so I can sleep. lol!
Same with Wally. When he was a puppy my vet mentioned that he may have an issue but once he was full grown they said that he'll be fine. Wally does snore, I wear ear plugs so I can sleep. lol!

I actually don't mind when Jax snores, it's kind of cute. The BF on the other hand, well that's another story...
From the pics, he doesn't look that bad, I have seen worse. You should be able to tell if he really needs it, as you can hear the air coming out every time he exhales. We have an English that needed it and we know before the vet told us that he needed it done, and we didn't get a second opinion. It did help him a lot. If you boy isn't having trouble breathing and you can't hear the air moving when he breaths normal, I would wait. But also to answer the other question, the recovery period was really no problem at all.
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From the pics, he doesn't look that bad, I have seen worse. You should be able to tell if he really needs it, as you can hear the air coming out every time he exhales. We have an English that needed it and we know before the vet told us that he needed it done, and we didn't get a second opinion. It did help him a lot. If you boy isn't having trouble breathing and you can't hear the air moving when he breaths normal, I would wait. But also to answer the other question, the recovery period was really no problem at all.

I'm thinking it's more soft palate, than a nare thing. He has now been diagnosed twice with "upper respiratory infections", but the doctor couldn't confirm thats what it was with bloodwork. He just gags and coughs up lots of phlegm. This last time I had to rush him in, because he woke up barely breathing and shaking with a fever.

He also gets overheated after only 5-10 minutes of walking.

We are in the process of scheduling a consultation with a Vet who primarily treats bulldogs. I really don't want to have him sedated, but I think it's worth it to at least confirm his palate is ok.

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