New dog owner to a 9 week pup


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Aug 26, 2022
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Hi guys!

Me and my wife are new to the dog world! We have just welcomed a new 8 week old frenchie last week.
His name is kenzo, and is a merle colouring.
We have always wanted a dog and after a lot of research we found french bulldogs are really good with children ( I have a 5 year old and 14 year old).
So far he has settled really well, he was sick within the first 48 hours but he has settled now and seems to be very happy!
Any advice or recommendations will be very much appreciated.

Luke 😃Screenshot_20220821-135505_WhatsApp.jpg
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Welcome, they are wonderful companions. Unfortunately they also can have many health problems, make sure you feed him a high quality diet.
I'm hoping I have him on a good diet, he is currently on Natures Menu raw chicken and salmon nuggets. Have been advised to keep him on raw if he is taking to it
Hi guys!

Me and my wife are new to the dog world! We have just welcomed a new 8 week old frenchie last week.
His name is kenzo, and is a merle colouring.
We have always wanted a dog and after a lot of research we found french bulldogs are really good with children ( I have a 5 year old and 14 year old).
So far he has settled really well, he was sick within the first 48 hours but he has settled now and seems to be very happy!
Any advice or recommendations will be very much appreciated.

Luke 😃View attachment 15994


He is very cute! Is he a Fluffy Frenchie? He looks like he has more fur?

For advise/recommendations:

Good diet is the first thing to keep his immune system good and prevent some health issues.
Low carb raw diet or lightly cooked is best.

I always recommend using a harness to walk them so it doesn’t pull on the neck, especially because they can have breathing issues.

Put a Sweater or jacket on him when it’s cold outside.

They can’t swim, so no swimming without a life jacket! My Frenchie doesn’t like water.

Never walk them in the heat, they overheat easily.

When you have them on a good diet, rotating proteins is very beneficial and highly recommended to prevent food allergies and strengthens the immune system. Food allergies start by when they eat the same thing every day for weeks to months and even years.
Chicken is a common allergy, but if he is doing well on a formula with chicken, still feed it but rotate their other formulas too with the different proteins, this can prevent food allergies(which suck to deal with!)

Keep the wrinkles clean, I wipe my frenchies face and wrinkles with a wet cloth.

Health issues that are common in Frenchies are:

-Allergies(skin, ear and eye issues, itchy are the signs)
-Cherry eye
-IVDD(Intervertebral disk disease)-I don’t let my Frenchie go up or down stairs and no jumping off furniture.
-breathing issues, such as Elongated Soft palate, closed nostrils, everted largneal saccules(all of which can be fixed thru surgery).
-dental issues.

Most of the above health issues can be prevented thru good diet, but good to be aware of those potential issues.

If you have any questions on diet I’m happy to help, and of course any other questions too😊

I have been thru tons of health issues with my Frenchie which most couldn’t have been prevented by good diet which I wasn’t aware of when I got him, but diet has fixed most of them!
I'm hoping I have him on a good diet, he is currently on Natures Menu raw chicken and salmon nuggets. Have been advised to keep him on raw if he is taking to it

Yes definitely keep him on raw diet, it’s low in carbs and very good for the immune system.

That’s a decent raw food you have him on, I still highly recommend rotating the proteins to prevent food allergies, for example, 1 bag of salmon chicken(if it lasts a week for example, then the next bag is duck or lamb, or what I do is 1 day is Turkey, next day is beef, next day is something else), that gives variety and helps with picky Eaters and prevents food allergies.

Grains and starch like sweet potatoes are also a common allergy for Frenchies.