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New member
Sep 29, 2015
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Hi everyone. I'm Zandy and I'm a soon-to-be Frenchie owner! I'm super excited to get my puppy in 2 weeks (she'll be 10 weeks old). I've already learned a lot from reading threads on here and I look forward to learning more. I'm sure I'll be spending even more time on here once I get my little girl! My family consists of me, my husband, our two boys (nigh-schooler and middle-schooler) and our 11-year-old pug.
I have a question to start. Attached (if I can figure out how) are photos of the two puppies I have to choose from. They're both obviously adorable, but I'd love some feedback from experienced eyes. The first 4 photos are of the cream girl and the second group of 4 photos are of the girl described as "golden fawn". I won't be able to meet them prior to choosing. The breeder is going to be sending video of them playing soon. Please let me know what you think, and thanks in advance!

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What precious babies! They both look great to me snd would not know how to choose --- best of luck!

:welcome3: to EBN
Oh my how cute. You must be so excited. I would have a tough time choosing. I do like the hint of white on the 2nd girl's face though.
Hi and welcome !
I love them both :)
But if I have to choose I'll go for the first one
Welcome!! They are both adorable and hard to choose from. But if I had to choose based on the pictures alone, I would say the second one. Maybe once you see the videos you'll be able to see their personalities.
Welcome! What a "good problem" to have, isn't it! Both dogs are gorgeous, so it may come down to personality. By 10 weeks there will be some indication, and the breeder should be able to provide some clues, since you can't spend time with them.

We had the same issue this past June when choosing between two pied boys from the litter: one black and one blue. By the pictures alone, we liked a black pied boy. His coloring was more interesting in the pictures, and he was always looking at the camera, while the other blue guy was more elusive. Both were "easy breathers," which is important in Frenchies.

We ended up asking the breeder to describe the two boys' personalities to help us choose. She said the black pied was a little more dominant, yet a little more shy, and was "just learning to come out of his shell." She said the blue pied boy was more adventurous, and more fearless (but not a bully with the other pups), and the first in the litter to try everything. He also seemed to really like to cuddle. The black pied would struggle when held on his back, while the blue pied would relax and go to sleep (good sign). After we held each of them, we decided on the blue pied boy and he became Junior. We're very happy with our choice. Having said that, I'm sure we would have been happy with the other pup too. The whole litter of 7 was gorgeous.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!
They are both totally adorable. Just looking at pictures I think I'd go for the second one. Hard to choose though. You can't go wrong either way!
I'd personally go for the 2nd cause I'm all for the little markings that just set them apart from others...

They're both extremely cute and as mentioned above I would definitely ask to hear about any obvious personality traits they have as I agree it could be a deciding factor!

As for what Lisa mentioned above about being held and going to sleep, when we met Isabelle (my older frenchie) and her brothers I tried to hold her brother to take a picture with him...
The outcome is a frenchie ear and a big black blob.

Took a picture with Isabelle, no moving, so struggle, just relaxed and content being held.

So I agree relaxed while being held is a good sign too! Although some like to cuddle more than others so maybe you'd want the more independent instead of cuddlebug depending on your family! :)
Welcome!! What a hard choice! They are both very adorable!! I do like the 2nd one, for the same reason Jess has mentioned. She's got some interesting markings.

When I went to look at Wally and his siblings there was one puppy playing with the mom, one following the dad around and one in the corner playing with some leaves. That was Wally, and I picked him because he seemed more independent and not so attached to the parents. He was also the biggest with interesting markings.

Good luck!
O. M. G. these pups are adorable!!!!! Purely subjective, but I like the second one - last two pix are my favorite! Whichever one you choose, you will be so happy. There is nothing as endearing as a frenchie.

I'd personally go for the 2nd cause I'm all for the little markings that just set them apart from others...

They're both extremely cute and as mentioned above I would definitely ask to hear about any obvious personality traits they have as I agree it could be a deciding factor!

As for what Lisa mentioned above about being held and going to sleep, when we met Isabelle (my older frenchie) and her brothers I tried to hold her brother to take a picture with him...
The outcome is a frenchie ear and a big black blob.

Took a picture with Isabelle, no moving, so struggle, just relaxed and content being held.

So I agree relaxed while being held is a good sign too! Although some like to cuddle more than others so maybe you'd want the more independent instead of cuddlebug depending on your family! :)

Good advice! (How was Titan when you met him?)
Good advice! (How was Titan when you met him?)

Titan was snuggly.

He was in a baby crib sleeping and when he saw us walk in he was bouncing around waiting for us to just pick him up and love him.


This was on the way home haha. He loved being snuggled In the blanky!

Our goal was to have cuddly love bugs! So x marks the spot for both! Haha!
Welcome Zandy!
I like the first one. Tthat's one difficult but pleasant choice you have to make :) You have got good tips already, such as ask the breeder about their personalities. Maybe that will tip the scale towards one of them. Good luck and can't wait to see more pictures and stories of your new puppy. So exciting! :)
Hi and welcome! I would have to close my eyes, there would be no way I could choose between those gorgeous little girls!!! Can't wait to see which one you pick... please share with us!
Thanks for the input, everyone!
After telling the breeder a bit about our family and our pug, she thinks the cream girl (puppy #1) would be the best fit for us, as she's very cuddly, where puppy #2 is always running off checking things out. So little girl 1 it is!
Thanks for the input, everyone!
After telling the breeder a bit about our family and our pug, she thinks the cream girl (puppy #1) would be the best fit for us, as she's very cuddly, where puppy #2 is always running off checking things out. So liie girl 1 it is!

Exciting!! Congrats on your new family member. :)
Oh my GOOOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!! I would choose the second one. THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!! Welcome to the forum
Congrats! She is absolutely adorable! ...and once you have her, more PICS PLEASE ! :D
I'm so excited---I pick her up tomorrow!!