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New Puppy With Splayed Feet


New member
Dec 2, 2015
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Hi everyone! I just signed up here and loving it so far. I had a frenchie related question and figured who better to ask?
So we just got a French bulldog puppy. Just had him checked out at our vet and he's in great health. She said heart and lungs sounded good. She said his nose holes might be a tad small but that they can easily fix that.
But my main concern is his feet. He has some pretty splayed toes and feet. And the way he walks on them, his toe nails and toe pads don't usually even touch the ground. They just are pushed up.
The vet said she she has never seen anything like it so she didn't really know what to say. She thinks we should go to an orthopedic vet to see if we can do anything about it.
He gets around just fine and doesn't act like it causes him any issue.
But our vet said it will probably increase his chance of arthritis later.
So does anyone else have a frenchie with wide spread floppy toes?
Or has anyone else seen such a thing?
We would love any advice on it.


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Welcome! He is really cute! What an adorable face. I personally have not seen anything like this before. I would have a specialist check him out though.
I have never seen anything like that before....where did you get your puppy? I would be talking to the breeder if I was you....
it sucks the vet had no information to offer you however I would follow her advice on seeing an orthopedic vet.
I haven't ever seen anything like that. Where was he kept at the breeders before you got him? What I mean is was he in the house? On regular floor? He is totally adorable. That face is killing me!
Welcome!! He's gorgeous!! That face!

I have never heard of that either. I would definitely talk to the breeder, and a specialist. Odd that even the vet is stumped.
Welcome! He is really cute! What an adorable face. I personally have not seen anything like this before. I would have a specialist check him out though.

Thank you! I went ahead and had the vet set up an appointment with the specialist on Dec 14th. I will update with what they say!
We got him from a breeder here in Oklahoma. The breeder told us that he was perfect other than his feet, they said the feet shouldn't cause any problems. They said their own vet said it wouldn't cause any problems. Including arthritis. So of course we are already a bit skeptical since our vet was baffled and said it could cause arthritis.
I haven't ever seen anything like that. Where was he kept at the breeders before you got him? What I mean is was he in the house? On regular floor? He is totally adorable. That face is killing me!

I know he's such a sweetie too! When we saw him they had him in a big wire crate with padding. But I know they kept the other dogs somewhere else, so to be honest I'm not sure.
Thank you everyone for your quick responses by the way! I didn't expect to hear from so many people! I uploaded a video of him playing so everyone can see his feet a little better.

New puppy - YouTube
Awwww; he is adorable! His toes don't seem to be slowing him down any. :) Glad you have a vet appointment for some more information. Please keep us posted. His brother is a sweetie, too.
I have to say, he is adorable and his feet add to his cuteness. Hope they don't cause any problem in the future! Will be looking forward to your update. Congrats on the new little guy!
:smileywelcome: to you and your handsome puppy! I hope his feet do not become a problem to him!
Curious to see what the ortho says! They may want to do X-rays etc but in the meanwhile I am glad he's still active and happy!
What a happy and adorable little fella! I have no experience with this so I too would be heading to the ortho for more info and see if there is any treatment or impact to him later inlife
I'll be looking forward to seeing what the vet would say. I would think that they would not cause any abnormal issues, and if the breeder told you about the feet beforehand and they have a write off from the vet there is not much you can do, because one vet may have an opinion that differs from another, my 2 vets butt heads on every topic! I think he is toooooo dang cute I'm in love!

....but if you are concerned about joint health then give him some nujoint plus everyday as a treat, he will love them, and it will keep his joints lubricated. It is only going to do good for him in the end and worth giving. Here is the link with more info: http://frenchbulldognews.com/recomm...ds-glucosamine-chondrotin-msm-supplement.html
He is a cutie pie for sure. I have never seen anything like that before either, and in my opinion the breeder should not breed that combination again, whether it's on the sire's side or the dam's side they need to find out and spay or neuter that one. If they don't then they are not a reputable breeder IMO.