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New puppy worries

Wilson is HOME!!! He is on 3 medications for 2 weeks, one of them is Nexium in a powder form. Had to go to 3 pharmacies to find one that could have it in tomorrow. One is an anti-nausea and the third is another type of acid reducer. He is also on a prescription food, Purina EN. Olivia was SO happy to see him. She licked him in the face. Here is a shot of them that I just took.

Wilson is HOME!!! He is on 3 medications for 2 weeks, one of them is Nexium in a powder form. Had to go to 3 pharmacies to find one that could have it in tomorrow. One is an anti-nausea and the third is another type of acid reducer. He is also on a prescription food, Purina EN. Olivia was SO happy to see him. She licked him in the face. Here is a shot of them that I just took.

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Wilson is HOME!!! He is on 3 medications for 2 weeks, one of them is Nexium in a powder form. Had to go to 3 pharmacies to find one that could have it in tomorrow. One is an anti-nausea and the third is another type of acid reducer. He is also on a prescription food, Purina EN. Olivia was SO happy to see him. She licked him in the face. Here is a shot of them that I just took.

View attachment 2139

Olivia is taking in all of his hospital smells, wondering where in the world have you been, Wilson! I am so glad he is home!
Wilson has done really well today. Ate well at 2 AM, so-so during the day, but very well again this evening. He has had no regurgitation issues. He does do some reverse sneezing, but nothing is coming out. One of the meds he likes very well and licks it out of the syringe. Question - does pet insurance cover Rx? May have to be a consideration if Nexium is one that he needs to stay on. He is playing well with his sisters, both Olivia and Gidget. I am feeling a little better about things, but definitely want to see him bounce back and put on some weight. Am wondering if he could possibly have gotten into something from our Christmas tree... I didn't get it taken down until the Monday after they came home. We watched them very carefully while they were running around, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have gotten into something. Thank you all again so much for keeping us in your thoughts this week!
I don't know if pet insurance pays for Rx, but when our EB Mack was on a people heart Rx it was really expensive stuff. WSU School of Vet. Medicine recommended we get it through Wal-Mart. It was under $10. Wal-Mart. com mailed it to us automatically because we are 75 miles away from a Wal-Mart.
I don't know if pet insurance pays for Rx, but when our EB Mack was on a people heart Rx it was really expensive stuff. WSU School of Vet. Medicine recommended we get it through Wal-Mart. It was under $10. Wal-Mart. com mailed it to us automatically because we are 75 miles away from a Wal-Mart.
Alice, 75 miles from Walmart? Holy Moses! I'm an eastern girl moved west and I always say I'm in a 3rd world country but I can drive to Walmart right up the road. You're in Oregon but drive to Washington for vet care? All Sarge's vets, general and all specialists were trained at WSU which I thought was in Seattle. I bet you're used to driving but I feel for you. On the subject note, Anne, I am glad you got a good diagnosis on your little Wilson. I am personally hopeful it's a kiddo thing he'll outgrow. If dogs are like children then the esophageal reflux is far more common in boys and something they outgrown as things develop. That will be my prayer for your lil' guy. :yes:
Alice, 75 miles from Walmart? Holy Moses! I'm an eastern girl moved west and I always say I'm in a 3rd world country but I can drive to Walmart right up the road. You're in Oregon but drive to Washington for vet care? All Sarge's vets, general and all specialists were trained at WSU which I thought was in Seattle. I bet you're used to driving but I feel for you. On the subject note, Anne, I am glad you got a good diagnosis on your little Wilson. I am personally hopeful it's a kiddo thing he'll outgrow. If dogs are like children then the esophageal reflux is far more common in boys and something they outgrown as things develop. That will be my prayer for your lil' guy. :yes:
Kristine, I'm in the N.E. corner of OR bordering Washington and Idaho. It is beautiful here in the Wallowa Mountains, but remote. 7,000 people in the whole County and no stoplights!

WSU is in Pullman, WA, about a two and a half hour drice from here. It's not far as the crow flies, but we wind down to the Snake River and back up to Lewiston, Idaho!
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Posting some pics in the photo thread now of them both. Wilson seems to be doing well. His eyes still look bright, he is eating (not like I'd like to see him eat, but he's been through a lot), playing, and sleeping. Oh yeah... and pooping. lots of it. I feel like the smell is oozing out of my pores about now. If the runs don't clear up by mid-week, back to the vet we go.
Kristine, I'm in the N.E. corner of OR bordering Washington and Idaho. It is beautiful here in the Wallowa Mountains, but remote. 7,000 people in the whole County and no stoplights!

WSU is in Pullman, WA, about a two and a half hour drice from here. It's not far as the crow flies, but we wind down to the Snake River and back up to Lewiston, Idaho!
.You're a brave woman Alice :-) I'm still trying to get used to Utah.
Awww, poor little guy, hope he gets to feeling normal soon!
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