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Nose folds.


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Jun 2, 2015
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So, I have always kept an eye on Bentley's folds. But latest they are looking sorta raw. Red and less furr. Not sure what it can be. I while them basically everyday (sometimes I forget, I wont lie). Sometimes I scrub a little with water then dry then put baby powder.
I've heard diaper rash cream is good. What do you guys suggest?
For Radar I use Malacetic wipes, filtered water (someone here recommended it), and if it gets really red neosporin seems to help.

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I always use Desitin on my Frenchie's folds and it has helped with keeping them healthy and dry along with unscented baby wipes used daily to clean. I always put the Desitin on after I have cleaned them with the wipe. Hope this helps. My Brindled guy did get his wrinkles a little raw last summer and doing this turned it all around.

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For Radar I use Malacetic wipes, filtered water (someone here recommended it), and if it gets really red neosporin seems to help.

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This exactly but we use polysporin instead if they seem inflamed or sore.

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He only gets filtered water.
I will try the neosporin. Will A&D work any differently? I dont think I have neosporin on hand.
We use unscented baby wipes and panalog cream when they get redish; this is on our EB. Buster's wrinkles are just fine.
[MENTION=1329]cnash[/MENTION] Thanks for this post! Lots of good advices how to keep nose folds in good shape.

I use baby wipes and if irritated I put bacibact (anticeptic) power. Will try the other methods as well, since I feel this one is not quite working that well.
cnash, lots of good suggestions here. Bentley is a doll! Love the brindles.
Witch Hazel great for wrinkle cleaning.
You can also apply some coconut oil,since its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
If the folds get really bad it could also be due to a yeast overgrowth.
Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar can also be used, if there arent any open spots.
So I have been wiping them and I have placed a&ad ointment the last two days. Let's see how/if it works.

Here's a picture of Bentley. Just to make the thread fun. He's becoming a big boy!

Oh he is *so* handsome! What a good looking guy!

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Nice boy, Bentley! :)
We also clean Peppers' nose folds and eyes daily but lately she has a specific odor around her nose. I can't quite say exactly what it resembles but it's not very pleasant but it's not inviting either.
First we thought it was her mouth/breath but it's not, it comes from her nose area. The DOGtor said he can't smell anything when he checked her but he hasn't got a very sharp smell and that maybe it's caused by some allergy and we should try changing her food. We did change it but the smell is still present. It's not always there but sometimes it smells pretty off-putting. Any of you guys went through something similar with your pups?
He is grown up wow! What a handsome fellow.

I clean Twiggy's folds with witch hazel.
Awww! Bentley, you looks stunning! Love the color!
and of course, on the counter :haha:
So I have been wiping them and I have placed a&ad ointment the last two days. Let's see how/if it works.

Here's a picture of Bentley. Just to make the thread fun. He's becoming a big boy!

What a handsome boy!
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