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Parts of coat very coarse/rough


New member
Aug 4, 2015
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Hello all, I am new to this forum and am a new mom to a 4 month old Frenchie. We have had Liam since June, but recently we noticed some of his fur feels very coarse/rough. Its mainly on his back, right down his spine, everywhere else is still really soft. I am wondering if this is normal? I'm not sure if this is a sign of his coat changing, or if he not getting the right nutrients from his food? We did change his food from Health Extension to Natural Balance Limited Ingredients about a month ago. I also notice the area that's coarse doesn't look as white as the rest of his coat. Any advice is appreciated!
It may be that he is getting his "adult" fur. Puppies do tend to be softer. I don't know about that food though, so that may be part of the issue too.
My older girl always had a "ridge" type of fur going from the middle of her neck down her spine and it got more coarse as she got older too. So probably normal, and the different types of fur may just look different colors because of the texture (like cotton and silk can look like 2 different colored whites when they are the same).
Moses also has a kind of ridge in the middle of his back. It feels much more rough when compared to the silky-feel type of fur everywhere else. He also always lifts it up when excited or protecting his territory and wants to look big and mean :) When doing that he looks like some wild pig LOL
:welcome3: to FBN ..... yes, it can be normal with two fur textures. As long as he does not have fur loss or dry flaky skin it is fine
Welcome!!! It sounds normal. Frenchies have different textures to their fur.
Thank you for all of your input. I feel much at ease now.
Yes, I think it is normal. Bambi's coat is coarser down her ridge line. We call it her "prickly hairs." She is silky soft everywhere else. Liam is very sweet.
I was just about to start a topic on this! Banksy has the same thing going on along his spine mainly near his bum. Good to hear everyone thinks its normal