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Peeing in crate


New member
Apr 24, 2015
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Oh boy

I am reporting from puppy land having the time of my life......... :whew: :no:

Aiko is pooping on her pee pads:) and peeing in her crate:(!!! Banksy never did this.

Any tips? I clean her bedding probably 10 times a day. as soon as its washed I put it back in her crate and she runs in and pees on it. it's like she is saving her pee for her crate.

Oh puppies! They are wonderful but you've always got your hands full (& washing machines running lol).

Dont have a lot of advice other than, keep trying to make her understand to pee on the pee pads.

However, Maple used to pee on her blanket whenever I washed it. I think she wanted to have it smell like her . Its gross. But maybe next time you wash her blanket, put it in with some other items that already smell like the pup (or maybe even you. As long as its a familiar scent).
Maple eventually grew out of this (thank god lol). But she still doesnt like the scent of a freshly washed blanket. Dogs are weird lol
Good idea maybe I will put one of my OLDER shirts in there, one that I don't care if it gets peed on and see if that helps.
I agree, dogs are weird. I have to remind myself she is still a very very very young baby.

She has been quite the handful, more so than banksy.
She barks, cries.. and by cries I mean SCREAMS at the top of her lungs.. Banksy has always been silent, he doesn't even snore!!!!!!!!! So this is so new to us. Hopefully its just a phase :facepalm:
Oh puppies! They are wonderful but you've always got your hands full (& washing machines running lol).

Dont have a lot of advice other than, keep trying to make her understand to pee on the pee pads.

However, Maple used to pee on her blanket whenever I washed it. I think she wanted to have it smell like her . Its gross. But maybe next time you wash her blanket, put it in with some other items that already smell like the pup (or maybe even you. As long as its a familiar scent).
Maple eventually grew out of this (thank god lol). But she still doesnt like the scent of a freshly washed blanket. Dogs are weird lol

Good advice!

I agree, and have found Frenchies to have some odd (weird) mannerisms!!!
Oh, Dexter did this too! I'd forgotten about that, but it has all just come rushing back to me!

It sounds mad, but I ended up getting an unscented washing liquid that's actually for people with allergies. Then I'd put the clean blanket on my knee and sit him on it for a few mins so it smelled like both of us. Then once he was distracted by something else, I'd put it back on his bed. Ridiculous, but it worked!

He was also very vocal, so I feel your pain! He still barks a fair bit now when he plays or gets excited. But doesn't really cry or howl any more. Thank goodness!!!
Oh, Dexter did this too! I'd forgotten about that, but it has all just come rushing back to me!

It sounds mad, but I ended up getting an unscented washing liquid that's actually for people with allergies. Then I'd put the clean blanket on my knee and sit him on it for a few mins so it smelled like both of us. Then once he was distracted by something else, I'd put it back on his bed. Ridiculous, but it worked!

He was also very vocal, so I feel your pain! He still barks a fair bit now when he plays or gets excited. But doesn't really cry or howl any more. Thank goodness!!!

Great idea! also will be better savings if we buy them their own detergent instead of using our tide pods to wash a few of their items!! WHY HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS!
Thank you!
Penelope seems to have great days and off days lol sometimes she pees and poops on the bad some days it's poop on pee off and other days vice versa lmao. I always try to give her praise when she goes on it. I used to give her treats but since trying to integrate a raw diet I need to get healthier treats for her.
Oh, Dexter did this too! I'd forgotten about that, but it has all just come rushing back to me!

It sounds mad, but I ended up getting an unscented washing liquid that's actually for people with allergies. Then I'd put the clean blanket on my knee and sit him on it for a few mins so it smelled like both of us. Then once he was distracted by something else, I'd put it back on his bed. Ridiculous, but it worked!

He was also very vocal, so I feel your pain! He still barks a fair bit now when he plays or gets excited. But doesn't really cry or howl any more. Thank goodness!!!

Just wanted to say this has been working, thank you :)
[MENTION=1276]hannah[/MENTION] That's great news! So glad it's working for you - one less thing to worry about! :whew:
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