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Pink Eye


New member
Sep 14, 2014
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Isabelle has pink eye.

In the opposite eye she had cherry eye in. We were worried it was happening in the other eye but her entire eye socket was swollen, not just the corner, and as I suspected what that meant, vet confirmed I was right. (Take THAT hubby :-P)

2 separate eye drops, one twice a day, one 3 times a day.

As if I don't give enough meds to little dog! Haha!

Washing crate bedding as we speak to prevent further infection.

Wish me luck & quick healing!
Oh poor Isabelle! Hope she has a speedy recovery! :yes:
Oh wow, I did not know dogs could get pink eye. Is it contagious to humans?
It is good you got on it right away. I think pink eye can be transmitted to humans!
Pink eye is very contagious so I'm sure humans could get it. Poor Isabelle, and you!
Poor Isabelle, and poor you! As if you didn't have enough going on. I hope she gets well soon.
Poor baby, hopefully it will pass soon.
UGH.... poor little man! And, Momma.... hope it heals up quick
Vet said the cause of pink eye in dogs is only slightly contagious to humans! Phew. Giant relief there! But I have itchy eyes, a common symptom. But it shouldn't be more than that for humans! :)