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Potty training help - Peeing too often


New member
Aug 22, 2016
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Hi All,

We just got out new 3 month old french bulldog puppy and we are training her to use the porch potty outside. Right now she is going pee nearly every hour.

We currently have her in a play pen with a pee pad (image below). Then roughly each hour I'll try to take her to the porch potty. She will go consistently on the pee pad in both locations but she will still have accidents on the floor. She will also go pee, the pee or poo just minutes after. Any thoughts on this? She has water all day in her pen. I'm not sure if that is a problem. Any issues with my setup? I'm trying to give her treats but she doesn't seem very interested in them. I've used dry treats and turkey hotdog pieces. She is very content in her play pen but if I try to put her in her crate she gets upset and barks and whines which is not normal for her. Any recommendations?

Puppy bathroom journal

Day 1

6am pee (accident on floor while playing)

7:30am pee (accident, too excited and was in the car)

8:30am pee (pee pad in her pen)

10am poo & pee (pee pad in her pen)

10:20am pee (accident on floor while playing)

11:20am pee (pee pad in her pen)

12:15pm (pee on porch potty)

1:30pm (pee on porch potty)

3:40pm pee (pee pad in her pen)

4:40pm (pee on porch potty)

6:05pm (pee and poo on porch potty)

7:20pm (pee on porch potty)

8:43pm pee (pee pad in her pen)

Sleep - Used pee pad in her pen throughout the night

Day 2

6am pee (pee pad in her pen)

6:10am pee and poo (pee pad in her pen)

7:30am pee (pee pad in her pen)

8:10am played and then pee on porch potty

9:06am pee (pee pad in her pen)

9:10 am pee (pee pad in her pen)

9:10 pee on porch potty

IMG_2776 (1).webpIMG_2777.webp
I would have her checked for a UTI just to rule it out.

At 4 months she should be able to hold for 4-5 hours, however, I take my guys out (when home) every two hours and they will pee each and every time I do
Pups do pee a lot, especially when they are playing. I would say as she gets older she will hold it longer. You are doing right by letting her have water available 24/7. We never restrict water from any of our pups or adult dogs.
When our puppy was that age, we would remove her water at around 9 pm for the evening. That really helped with the night peeing. She had full access to water during the day.
When we got our pup she was 12 weeks old and she peep a lot and often too, so many accidents. I had to get up every 2 hrs to put her on the pee pad. I started taking the water away at 7pm, she goes to bed around 9pm, and that helped a lot. I She is now 16 weeks and she is almost completely pee pad trained and she sleeps mostly through the whole night :-)
My personal opinion (not that it's right lol, but really worked for me) is, you MUST get her to love her crate. I really credit a super consistent schedule and crate training to my success, and it helped immensely. I think she just may have a bit too much freedom in that playpen. I also never restricted water, and don't believe water should be restricted.
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