Rapid progressing ataxia in my 7 yo frenchie


New member
Sep 30, 2024
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I left my frenchie with my regular sitter on July 8. He was totally normal. Upon return 3 weeks later, I noticed a very slight alteration in his gait. I would describe as slightly wobbly. I took him to the vet who really didn’t notice the gait issue, but did x-rays of the spine and a CBC both normal. Over the next 2 weeks, the gait issue worsened a bit and he was referred to neurologist. The neurologist noticed a slight gait disturbance and the dog had a brain MRI , spinal tap, thyroid function and kidney function bloodwork and all was normal. Over the next 3 weeks, the gait issues have worsened such that he falls over frequently, walks with goose stepping of the front legs, collapse of the hind legs and walks like he is drunk. Over the last week he has developed nighttime seizures, having had about 5 over the last 10 days. The neurologist has started him on clindamycin, prednisone and anti seizure medicine and the issues continue to worsen. We have to carry him up and down stairs as he has fallen on the steps. He is eating, drinking, pooping and peeing normally. The neurologist says she doesn’t know what is wrong with him other than he has cerebellar ataxia with seizures. My question is, does anyone on this forum recognize these very worrisome signs and symptoms??
Thank you for reading this.
I have no experience with this issue. So sorry you and your pup are going through this and praying for some answers and healing.