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Refusal to walk!


New member
Feb 3, 2016
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Hey guys! Fin has been home with us for about a month now and we are really hitting the training as hard as we can! He's pretty used to his crate now, no more peeing in it after a resize and he's a decent sleeper. However, when we give the "go outside" command he goes totally boneless and refuses to walk over to his suiting up area. After some struggle there, we carry him down the 3 flights of stairs and he goes right to his pee/poop spot, does his business, and then darts right for the steps to go inside!
Sometimes we can coax him into a short walk around the block but most of the time he absolutely refuses to walk and just pulls back on the harness. Sometimes we can coax him with treats and cheerful skipping but for the most part be wants nothing to do with it!
I don't really subscribe to the "some frenchies just don't walk" and we are pretty serious about that not being an option for him since he's a city dog living in a small apartment, he needs to be a good walker!

Any tips on what worked for any of you guys with stubborn walkers?

Thanks so much guys!

Same here.
We began with some off-leash walking in parks with nice hills and not too many distractions.
And we put harness and leash on her everyday and let her drag the leash around the house for about 30 mins to 1 hour. When she got used to the leash and harness, we took her out immediately.
Just be patient, and try to walk her as many times as you can..
You will notice some little improvements every day!
If you have neighbors with a dog walking them together is a big incentive for him to walk!
If you have neighbors with a dog walking them together is a big incentive for him to walk!

That's a good idea! He's one week out on his last round of shots and forming a bit of a humping problem but group walks might appeal to him!
Same here.
We began with some off-leash walking in parks with nice hills and not too many distractions.
And we put harness and leash on her everyday and let her drag the leash around the house for about 30 mins to 1 hour. When she got used to the leash and harness, we took her out immediately.
Just be patient, and try to walk her as many times as you can..
You will notice some little improvements every day!

I hope so! We "walk" him once before work and then have a walker come 2 times a day to take him out too! Once dad and I are home we try to take him out 2 or 3 times and make it fun and full of treats but he's just a stubborn turd! Sometimes he can be coaxed into a long walk and then others it's just absolute refusal. He drives me crazy!

You have some good suggestions here so I would just stay with it. I know with mine, sometimes they will not go for a walk with just my husband if I am home. They want the whole pack to go! Crazy.
My Frenchie was super stubborn with walking outside our front yard. I figured he wasn't a fan of walking but as soon as we brought him to a park (with plentiful trees and dirt paths) he was a big fan of walking. He didn't fight us or refuse to walk. He did refuse to walk when we set foot on the concrete however. I think their curiosity drives them to walk in the woods and it seems too work for us! Good luck! Image1459058587.156097.webp

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Oh my gosh! THIS! We took the nugget to the cabin for the weekend a few weeks ago and he was a total trail blazer! On and off leash walking like a total pro! Thankfully we have a great pro near us with some pretty decent nature trails that he can go wild on!
He's been home a month now and he absolutely amazing.
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