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Scooting problems

Winnie Mah

New member
Jul 14, 2014
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My little frenchie is just 2 months and 19 days old. He scoots and sometimes whine, before and after he poop. He's last deworm was at 1st Oct. I've brought him to two different vet (1st and 7th Oct) and they both say he's fine. No anal gland impact or infections. He's stool is soft so is that the cause of discomfort? Or he's having a bad habit?
Could be the worming meds.

Try to correct the habit, if he keeps it up then I would probably see about a specialist.

Could it be a food allergy?

I'm sure more experienced owners will have better info! Just tossing out what I can!
at 3 months old..... not sure what it could be. going to tag a few puppy gurus for you
That's the only thing I can think of, is a problem with his tail or tail pocket.
That's the only thing I can think of, is a problem with his tail or tail pocket.

Isabelle tried scooting for 2 weeks after her last worming, but didn't cry.

That's why I mentioned the wormer?

Wouldn't a vet know to look for a tail pocket? Or is that up to us, owners?

(I checked isabelle after watching the video, lucky me she doesn't have one)
He got a shallow tail pocket. But I did clean it everyday and apply diaper rash cream just in case. His stool is getting firm now but still scoots, sometimes for >10 mins on and off! Really worries me.
Today I brought him to the vet for his 2nd vaccination, and another check-up. This is the 3rd vet that have no clue what's going on.
He say it might be several reasons
1) Fungus at butt area that irritates him (did a screen check and no fungus / bacteria under the microscope)
2) Worm (Already dewormed twice and have 1 dose of Advocate so nope, not worm)
3) Might be inconsistent of the poop irritates his butt so he feels there's something weird. (Bought a pack of Royal Canin Gastrointestinal and will test for few weeks to firm up his stool completely and will see how it goes)
4) Probably just a weird habit / behavior that no one understands (I'm skeptical about this because he whine while scooting, and seems really uncomfortable)
A friend of mine has a frenchie that scoots because she's glutent intolerant. Shot in the dark.
I hope you get it figured out soon. Could be just itching because of an allergy?
My Frenchie, Bama had the same problem. At first the Vet thought his anal glands were full. When the problem persisted the Vet thought there could be an infection with his anal glands, so Bama was given antibiotics. When that didn't work, and he kept scooting, the Vet gave him probiotics in hopes that if it was a food allergy, the probiotics would work. When the probiotics didn't work, and Bama continued to scoot the Vet said it was probably an environmental allergy and nothing could be done. Fast forward a few months later, and my sister's dog had the same problem. Her vet recommended diaper rash cream and her dog was better within DAYS!! Of course, I went to the store and bought Boudreaux's Butt Paste thinking if it worked for her dog it should work for Bama. I figured that after 8 months of painfully watching him scoot his tush and after months of trying different things (all unsuccessful) what was one more. I applied it 3 times and the scooting stopped completely!! I can't believe my poor dog had to go through that for 8 months especially when there was such an easy fix. The first time I applied it, I put a descent amount and noticed the butt paste came off whenever he sat, rubbed up on anything and scooted. Regardless of the mini mess I saw same day improvements. A day or two later I applied plenty and took him out walking so he wouldn't sit, he was scooting less at this point (he almost had stopped completely). A week or two later I saw him scoot once and I reapplied. It has now been about a month and I have not seen him scoot since the last application. This is HUGE considering he would scoot several times within 10 minutes. I know that dogs can scoot for different reasons, but I just wanted to share what worked for us.
My initial thought was tail pocket issue, since we experienced it with our Moses. If it is not that or the anal cland nor parasites...then it could be due to allergies.
What kind of diet he is on currently? Sometimes change in diet can work wonders.