Okay so I had this plan that she would sleep in the crate for a week or two until she got settled in then I would see if she would sleep with me. She's used to sleeping in a crate so I figured that would be best. Anyway when it got time for bed and I looked at her little face I couldn't do it. I put her in the bed with us and she slept in between us all night, except for a few times she decided to wake up, snort, and kiss my face. I am also noticing that she wuld rather sit ON me rather than beside me. She completely ignores my cat and my little old man dog. He was trying to sniff her a little but she was like "whatever" and really didn't even acknowledge him at all. She is more interested in people and what they are doing. She is going potty when I take her out and hasn't had any mistakes in the house at all. She will be alone for a few hours today when we go to church then run by the hospital to visit my Dad for a bit. I am going to put her in the crate though. Hopefully she won't be lonely.