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Still waiting...

Okay so I had this plan that she would sleep in the crate for a week or two until she got settled in then I would see if she would sleep with me. She's used to sleeping in a crate so I figured that would be best. Anyway when it got time for bed and I looked at her little face I couldn't do it. I put her in the bed with us and she slept in between us all night, except for a few times she decided to wake up, snort, and kiss my face. I am also noticing that she wuld rather sit ON me rather than beside me. She completely ignores my cat and my little old man dog. He was trying to sniff her a little but she was like "whatever" and really didn't even acknowledge him at all. She is more interested in people and what they are doing. She is going potty when I take her out and hasn't had any mistakes in the house at all. She will be alone for a few hours today when we go to church then run by the hospital to visit my Dad for a bit. I am going to put her in the crate though. Hopefully she won't be lonely.
What a great first night! Keep in mind she is getting to know her new world so in about a month you will see her personality really kick in
What a great first night! Keep in mind she is getting to know her new world so in about a month you will see her personality really kick in

Yea, I was thinking that. This is a big change for her. New place, new people, new routine, new everything. I hope she will be happy here. I need to be getting ready right now but she is asleep with her little head in my lap and I don't want to move.
Twiggy is beautiful, and it sounds like she is a perfect fit for you and your family! Huge congratulations!
Ha, ha! She is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! Sounds like she has taken your house by storm! It only gets better.
Ahhhhh! Finally! She is absolutely beautiful!!!! Thrilled for you...
Okay so I had this plan that she would sleep in the crate for a week or two until she got settled in then I would see if she would sleep with me. She's used to sleeping in a crate so I figured that would be best. Anyway when it got time for bed and I looked at her little face I couldn't do it. I put her in the bed with us and she slept in between us all night, except for a few times she decided to wake up, snort, and kiss my face. I am also noticing that she wuld rather sit ON me rather than beside me. She completely ignores my cat and my little old man dog. He was trying to sniff her a little but she was like "whatever" and really didn't even acknowledge him at all. She is more interested in people and what they are doing. She is going potty when I take her out and hasn't had any mistakes in the house at all. She will be alone for a few hours today when we go to church then run by the hospital to visit my Dad for a bit. I am going to put her in the crate though. Hopefully she won't be lonely.

Isabelle has to be touching me to be happy. Her head, her back, even at least just her back paws HAVE to be touching me for her to be happy or she moves and readjusts herself to have contact. Definitely a frenchie thing!

I'm so glad she woke up and was excited to see you there with her! We've slept with Isa since she was 8 weeks old, and she's still crate trained when we leave/if she needs to be. :)

I'm seriously so excited for you to have her! I can't believe the wait is over!

I need more pics!
Okay so I had this plan that she would sleep in the crate for a week or two until she got settled in then I would see if she would sleep with me. She's used to sleeping in a crate so I figured that would be best. Anyway when it got time for bed and I looked at her little face I couldn't do it. I put her in the bed with us and she slept in between us all night, except for a few times she decided to wake up, snort, and kiss my face. I am also noticing that she wuld rather sit ON me rather than beside me. She completely ignores my cat and my little old man dog. He was trying to sniff her a little but she was like "whatever" and really didn't even acknowledge him at all. She is more interested in people and what they are doing. She is going potty when I take her out and hasn't had any mistakes in the house at all. She will be alone for a few hours today when we go to church then run by the hospital to visit my Dad for a bit. I am going to put her in the crate though. Hopefully she won't be lonely.

Same happened here. We had bought a nice comfy bed for Moses and put it next to our bed, but he ended up sleeping between us. We also noticed that he sleeps so much better when with us. I believe it is the safety thing, when he can feel that we are right there. Now when he is a little older he chooses to sleep part of the night in his bed or on the floor, but always starts and finishes nights sleep between us cuddling :) They are so cute!

It sure sounds like Twiggy has settled in perfectly!
I put her in her crate while we were gone to church and by the hospital to visit my Dad. She did fine but she sure was excited to see us when we got back. She spent some time cuddling with me then she got down and went to my husband. She's getting spoiled already!
She is asleep right now with her head on my leg. She's snoring. So adorable I can hardly stand it!
So, is what you're saying that she was worth the wait?

So, is what you're saying that she was worth the wait?


OMG So worth the wait. Only thing is, I'm not getting anything done. She is in my lap right now. She wants to be on someone at all times. It's so sweet. She's such a cuddle bug. She wants nothing more than to be loved on and petted. She is exactly what I thought she would be and exactly what I wanted. When I got to know the breeder about a year ago she told me that she would have two that would retire this year but she knew that the one for my family was Twiggy. She sure was right. She is perfect for us. I am so smitten with her.
OMG So worth the wait. Only thing is, I'm not getting anything done. She is in my lap right now. She wants to be on someone at all times. It's so sweet. She's such a cuddle bug. She wants nothing more than to be loved on and petted. She is exactly what I thought she would be and exactly what I wanted. When I got to know the breeder about a year ago she told me that she would have two that would retire this year but she knew that the one for my family was Twiggy. She sure was right. She is perfect for us. I am so smitten with her.

Aww what a sweetie pie! I'm glad that the breeder knew her adults so well and you got the perfect match!

It's hard to get anything done around frenchies. Mine sit and stare at me while I clean/etc like "aren't you going to cuddle with me?" Haha!


Sitting down in the middle of laundry folding turned into this!
Awww...it's so nice to read these posts! These little guys have really earned the right to be called velcro-dogs :D
Moses loves to be part of everyday life and activities around the house and the town, always when possible. They are also very helpful...only lacking thumbs :)

We are in process of renovating a room and were pealing the back paper off from insulation panels and Mo was first sitting and looking what we were doing and then decided to help and grabbed a corner and started to peal as well. So funny!

I'm sure that Twiggy will help you to finish her new cool TV-stand bed in no time :yes:
[MENTION=894]blushy[/MENTION], that's the way Twiggy and I are sitting right now!
[MENTION=1348]Chiana[/MENTION] Mo is a helpful boy to have around! Maybe Twiggy can sew and together we can get that bed done in no time!
I'm dying to get that thing done. School starts this week for my kids and we are getting ready for that. I'm working extra, have a dentist appointment and several other things. Then next week I work all week so it's going to be at least the week after that before I probably get a chance to work on it. Knowing Twiggy like I do now, I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being a cat bed. No way she is going to lay anywhere by herself.

So, last night she slept even better. She was snuggled up right beside me and when I woke up this morning she was in the same exact place. She wasn't getting up and giving kisses during the night like she was the first night. I hope she is settling in well. She didn't eat yesterday morning but she did eat almost all of her food yesterday evening. She is used to eating just once a day though so that may be part of it. Plus she is getting used to a new home. She normally has NO problem eating. She needs to loose about 2 pounds actually. The breeder said to give her a cup a day, which I am doing but she didn't eat all of that yesterday. She ate most of it though. I'd say she left less than 1/4c in her bowl.

I have to work today until 1:00 and I hate leaving her. My husband and kids will be here though, so she won't be alone.
Sounds like Twiggy is enjoying her new life at new home. I'm sure she will get adjusted with her eating regime shortly as well.
So anxious of hearing more about Twiggy's adventures :)
OMG So worth the wait. Only thing is, I'm not getting anything done. She is in my lap right now. She wants to be on someone at all times. It's so sweet. She's such a cuddle bug. She wants nothing more than to be loved on and petted. She is exactly what I thought she would be and exactly what I wanted. When I got to know the breeder about a year ago she told me that she would have two that would retire this year but she knew that the one for my family was Twiggy. She sure was right. She is perfect for us. I am so smitten with her.

Sounds like Jax! Needs to be laying on top of someone at all times when he is sleeping and he gives the best cuddles! So glad Twiggy is fitting right in with the family.
OMG So worth the wait. Only thing is, I'm not getting anything done. She is in my lap right now. She wants to be on someone at all times. It's so sweet. She's such a cuddle bug. She wants nothing more than to be loved on and petted. She is exactly what I thought she would be and exactly what I wanted. When I got to know the breeder about a year ago she told me that she would have two that would retire this year but she knew that the one for my family was Twiggy. She sure was right. She is perfect for us. I am so smitten with her.

I remember meeting Twiggy and she was all over us, much more interested in being with the people than the other dogs! She's very sweet!

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