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Stolen Frenchies

I have been noticing those stories, too. Is she microchipped? (not that that helps knowing her location). I would think the collar being an identifying item (even if it were just plain), that would be the first thing they'd get rid of. Will your landlord allow you to install a deadbolt?

We have a stockade fence, so no one can see what kind of dogs we have. Even so, Bambi is never out more than five minutes.
[MENTION=2100]Honeys Owners[/MENTION], wow, that is such a scary story!!! It is traumatic enough to begin with getting broken into, but it chills me to think about Honey and what might have happened.
I have been noticing those stories, too. Is she microchipped? (not that that helps knowing her location). I would think the collar being an identifying item (even if it were just plain), that would be the first thing they'd get rid of. Will your landlord allow you to install a deadbolt?

We have a stockade fence, so no one can see what kind of dogs we have. Even so, Bambi is never out more than five minutes.

[MENTION=2100]Honeys Owners[/MENTION], wow, that is such a scary story!!! It is traumatic enough to begin with getting broken into, but it chills me to think about Honey and what might have happened.

I was really lucky no cats or squirrels were around as she would have chased them. Or if my neighbours were walking their German Shepherds she would have attacked them ( she got loose from me once before as I was taking her out of car and attacked their 2 German Shepherds and got mauled a bit ) . My neighbours can barely hold back their German Shepherds if they see my dog because of the previous fight, so if they see me and Honey while walking their dogs they have to turn around and walk other direction. Honey is still game to fight them despite getting some bad bites last time.
I have been noticing those stories, too. Is she microchipped? (not that that helps knowing her location). I would think the collar being an identifying item (even if it were just plain), that would be the first thing they'd get rid of. Will your landlord allow you to install a deadbolt?

We have a stockade fence, so no one can see what kind of dogs we have. Even so, Bambi is never out more than five minutes.

[MENTION=2100]Honeys Owners[/MENTION], wow, that is such a scary story!!! It is traumatic enough to begin with getting broken into, but it chills me to think about Honey and what might have happened.

Great question. Daphne IS microchipped; however, the chip info I was given when we brought her home was all in a foreign language. All her vetting was done in Hungary or Amsterdam, so I'm sure if it is scanned, the kennel's name probably pops up? I wonder if I can get her chipped again with an American company? Would it be bad or confusing to have two chips? I fear the first thing someone would do is take the collar off, so the GPS one would probably be a waste. I'm sure it was created more for a dog that perhaps is an escape artist and you can get an alert as to the exact location when he or she takes off.

My fear is compounded by the fact that I do walk her the same path and the same time every day. The fence at our rental is an old fashioned picket so anyone can see right through it. I'll have to ask the landlord about adding a lock. And maybe modify the times I go walking with her as much as possible. It is along a busy street (there are wide sidewalks) but I do see people slowing down and looking at her often. My husband was making fun of me when we moved in because the moving company guys were really nice but they were FAR too interested in Daphne, in my opinion. Asking me all kinds of questions and wanting to hold and pet her. I'm sure they were just being friendly and providing great customer service but of course my mind goes into over drive and for a couple weeks I was nervous every time we left the house and feared coming back to the house and she'd be gone.

I clearly need to relax!
Great question. Daphne IS microchipped; however, the chip info I was given when we brought her home was all in a foreign language. All her vetting was done in Hungary or Amsterdam, so I'm sure if it is scanned, the kennel's name probably pops up? I wonder if I can get her chipped again with an American company? Would it be bad or confusing to have two chips? I fear the first thing someone would do is take the collar off, so the GPS one would probably be a waste. I'm sure it was created more for a dog that perhaps is an escape artist and you can get an alert as to the exact location when he or she takes off.

My fear is compounded by the fact that I do walk her the same path and the same time every day. The fence at our rental is an old fashioned picket so anyone can see right through it. I'll have to ask the landlord about adding a lock. And maybe modify the times I go walking with her as much as possible. It is along a busy street (there are wide sidewalks) but I do see people slowing down and looking at her often. My husband was making fun of me when we moved in because the moving company guys were really nice but they were FAR too interested in Daphne, in my opinion. Asking me all kinds of questions and wanting to hold and pet her. I'm sure they were just being friendly and providing great customer service but of course my mind goes into over drive and for a couple weeks I was nervous every time we left the house and feared coming back to the house and she'd be gone.

I clearly need to relax!

How did she come to you from Hungary? I bet that is a story.

She is so beautiful. When you love something so deeply, especially an innocent animal, it compounds your fear even more of losing it. I definitely would ask about the deadbolt. I think you have a good case with your landlord as you were broken into already. Even if you have to pay yourself, I'd go for it. You can't do much about when you are out on the street, but maybe you can make your home safer. Can you drive her to a decent neighborhood and walk her?
Boy, little Honey don't play!


:) Honey taking a walk
How did she come to you from Hungary? I bet that is a story.

She is so beautiful. When you love something so deeply, especially an innocent animal, it compounds your fear even more of losing it. I definitely would ask about the deadbolt. I think you have a good case with your landlord as you were broken into already. Even if you have to pay yourself, I'd go for it. You can't do much about when you are out on the street, but maybe you can make your home safer. Can you drive her to a decent neighborhood and walk her?

Thank you so much. Her original owner bought her while she lived in Germany. She was transfered by her employer to the US and flew both Daphne and her brother here but they did not do well in cargo, I was told. When the owner found out she was being transfered back to Europe for work, she decided to find them new homes rather than fly them back. Her papers are from Hungary. But I remember her saying something about how she stayed in a holding area for a while in Amsterdam. By the time I got Daphne at 12 months, she'd lived in at least two countries in Europe, then flew to D.C., then we came and got her a few months later from the lady wanting to find her a new home. She was so ill and naughty when she came to live with us, but she has really settled in nicely. We've had her for about 7 months now. Daph is so loving and cuddly. I absolutely love it. She follows me everywhere and just seems to really want to make me happy. She listens very well. Her health is much better.

You may have me mixed up with something someone else recently posted about (the home break in). Our house wasn't broken into, but it is always in the back of my head. We DO rent this house we are in. I'll be asking if we can add another lock. Our neighborhood is really cute and it's typically a very safe area. I feel safe walking her early each morning; however, I may try to vary the time a little bit so we aren't always going at the exact same time making it easy for someone to learn our routine.

Bad things can happen anywhere. Just have to do my best to keep everyone safe and happy :-)

Have a great day :-)
We live in the suburbs outside of Atlanta and we have a big problem with coyotes, so I believe you!!!

There are things that I worry about with my Frenchies (mainly allergies and health), but I don't worry about them getting stolen. I think it would overwhelm me if I did. I have a 16 year old daughter who is driving and dating, I can't handle much more worry. :tongue:

I feel for you!! Coyotes and a teenage driver!! :yes:
Thankfully no experience with coyotes, but raised three daughters and taught them how to drive!!
No sure which is more stressful!! :no:

That is hilarious!!
Our Sofi just "puts the brakes on" when she doesn't want to walk.
Thanks for sharing!!

Since we live in a mostly rural area I’m more concerned with non-human predators like bears and coyotes, hence never leaving Gracie out alone. Yes, believe it or not, there are coyotes in Maryland. Rare but definitely out there.
I believe you!! We have coyotes in our neighborhood too.
They are in every county in Florida.
I recently watched a special on NatgGeo about these cunning little rascals.
You may have me mixed up with something someone else recently posted about (the home break in).

Unfortunately, that seems to happen a lot. :D

Wow, great story. If only Daphne could talk, the stories she would tell. God bless for giving her a wonderful home.
Anyone who steals a dog or a puppy is sick!!! This is horrible, that a life who belongs to a loving family....so sad!!!
I bought this for my bulldog it a great Strong French Bulldog Collar ........since its wide enough to stick a gps tracking device in it. It works and now I know where my dog is when the walker takes him out.I will get one for my french bulldog when he gets bigger. Keep in mind if you need a small just email them!! My friend has a XS made since they hand make them. Here is my gps tracker.

you can use any GPS tracker. Anyway my point is you can track dog on the phone....
Anyone who steals a dog or a puppy is sick!!! This is horrible, that a life who belongs to a loving family....so sad!!!
I bought this for my bulldog it a great Strong French Bulldog Collar ........since its wide enough to stick a gps tracking device in it. It works and now I know where my dog is when the walker takes him out.I will get one for my french bulldog when he gets bigger. Keep in mind if you need a small just email them!! My friend has a XS made since they hand make them. Here is my gps tracker.

you can use any GPS tracker. Anyway my point is you can track dog on the phone....

Thanks so much for sharing this info!!
My place was broken into a couple of months ago ( crowbarred front door in broad daylight ) and my dog was out on the streets for a while. Luckily someone saw her and called the police who called me, and when I got home she was in a police car. I'm just lucky the burglars didn't hurt her and that she didn't get hit by a car. The thieves stole from me, but luckily didn't want my dog.

This is horrible. Thank goodness they weren't interested in Honey!!!

On a lighter note, I would love to see a picture of her in the police car. I bet the officer who had her was in love!
I just noticed this thread. I live in Toronto (west burbs) and it's definitely not normal in my area for gang break-ins. I'm very shocked and surprised this is happening in Vaughn! I'm glad they didn't harm Honey.
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