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Swollen face with hives...

Calle Roo

New member
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Quella has bumpy face. Any idea what it could be? She was crated all day while I went to work and my dad let her out around 4. I can only imagine what she got into while he was watching her. Hehe. She only has 2 welts on her body but her face on the side and above her eye has these weird swollen bumps. I just gave her a Temaril-P and am hoping it doesn't get worse otherwise we're off to the emergency vet. Thoughts?


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
She got a Temaril-P and half a Benadryl. She's getting more and more bumps on face and body. I'm going to wait a bit longer to see if the meds kick in. If not, off to the vet. Eek.
Poor thing I'm so sorry hope she's feeling better!! If you do end up taking her let us know what the vet says, just in case we encounter something like this too. Well wishes!!
The Benadryl kicked in within 20 mins and her hives went away within an hour. Phew. Thank goodness. Thanks so much for being an outlet for my momentary mania. Seeing our poor babies in discomfort is excrutiating.
Whew!!! Great news! So scary when our pups aren't well. I'm glad it was an easy fix.
Aw wonder what caused it, glad the Meds worked quickly!
Definitely looks like an allergic reaction to something, is there any way to figure out what she got into? Glad the Benadryl worked.
Oh my..that really is one swollen eye! Poor Q :( I hope you will find out what is causing all those reactions. Did the vet have any idea?
Definitely an allergic reaction to something!! Did you guys figure it out? How is she doing?
[MENTION=671]Calle Roo[/MENTION]

Did the steroid shot do the trick or are you still trying to work on combating the reaction she had?

Poor Quella!

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I am late to this thread. Awww, this poor honey bear! Did the steroid shot help? How is she today (12/22)? Are her bumps still gone? How is her eye?
Thanks so much for all the love and concern. She had the steroid shot at the vet followed by a Benadryl pills 3x day and by the next morning I didn't even need to follow up with more Prednisone or Benadryl and she has been fine ever since. I tore apart all of her bedding and didn't find anything then washed her blankets and beds. What a monster. She is allergic to bananas and strawberries and my dad was eating these sugary strawberry pie things and I'm wondering if by chance she got some of that. I can't think of anything else she could have gotten into and I searched high and low for some sort of spider or ant and found nothing. I wish I knew what it was because I would then be able to prevent it from happening again. Thanks again for all the bully love.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!