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The Adventures of Hudson & Toast


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May 9, 2014
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Well we were supposed to give Toast back last week...but we still have him. We returned him and apparently he became very withdrawn and depressed. So his dad decided it would be best if he spent his days with us and his nights with him. Toast's dad isn't home much so it has worked out really well. Hudson loves it.

Here are some photos of these two rascals. They are non stop. They play and play and play. Hudson tries to nap but Toast will tackle him to wake him up. Hard to believe that three weeks ago Toast was petrified of Hudson and all other dogs. Now he's the instigator of all play. You'll notice a pug in a few photos, that's Hudson's best friend Franco.

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That's so sweet! They will be good company for each other. Poor toast. he missed his friend.
awww! That is so sweet :havemyheart:
Love the 3rd pic where Hudson and Toast are sleeping together and holding hands :)
They sure have bonded well...more the merrier :)
So cute! You have a part time Frenchie!
what a great set up.... personalized doggie day care! Glad they are all getting along and having a blast together
Awww that's sweet he missed Hudson. How nice that they can spend their days together.
Thanks guys!! We love having him though he can be a bit of a challenge. We have worked a lot on his basic training and the improvements have been huge. I think watching Hudson's behavior has helped him too. His dad told us it's like having a totally different dog around! And both of them are SO much happier. This reinforces our decision to get a second one by a million percent!

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That is so good to hear that Toast's Dad made the right decision for him!!! Poor guy, just learned how to play and get along with friends and then Bam, solitary confinement. Who knows, you might be on your way to a 2nd already....
That is so good to hear that Toast's Dad made the right decision for him!!! Poor guy, just learned how to play and get along with friends and then Bam, solitary confinement. Who knows, you might be on your way to a 2nd already....

Funny you say that, he just dropped him off and told me that his probability of moving back to China is getting higher and if he has to do that then he will give toast to me. Eek!

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Well, there ya' go. It was meant to be. So, how long did it take Toast to come out of his shell?
Well, there ya' go. It was meant to be. So, how long did it take Toast to come out of his shell?

Well we've lived here a year and have tried our darnedest to get them to play but no dice that whole time. Once in our home it took about an hour before crazy play time started! He just needed to be off the leash and have enough area to escape I guess. It was a lot quicker than we thought it'd be.

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Ha ha. I was going to guess a day and a half. Boy, was I wrong!!!
Ha ha. I was going to guess a day and a half. Boy, was I wrong!!!

Now poor Hudson is in over his head lol. He wants to nap and rest and toast will NOT allow it! Poor guy haha.

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Funny you say that, he just dropped him off and told me that his probability of moving back to China is getting higher and if he has to do that then he will give toast to me. Eek!

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OMG, I would be jumping cartwheels!!!!!! He is an angel, and the pictures of him and Hudson (and Franco) together are the sweetest things! Sounds like you can work wonders with his manners and make him the perfect addition to your family.
Funny you say that, he just dropped him off and told me that his probability of moving back to China is getting higher and if he has to do that then he will give toast to me. Eek!

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Funny you say that, he just dropped him off and told me that his probability of moving back to China is getting higher and if he has to do that then he will give toast to me. Eek!

OMG! That is awesome! So it seems that Mr Hudson can keep his dear friend no matter what happens! Sometimes things seems to just work out for the best! Toast is adorable!

[MENTION=193]winginit66[/MENTION] Good guess! Don't forget to buy your lottery ticket this week! :D
Funny you say that, he just dropped him off and told me that his probability of moving back to China is getting higher and if he has to do that then he will give toast to me. Eek!

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Wow!! I was just going to say that you may have found your 2nd Frenchie already. I LOVE the pics! Especially of the 'spooning' one where they both have their mouths open. Franco is a cutie too.
Wow!! I was just going to say that you may have found your 2nd Frenchie already. I LOVE the pics! Especially of the 'spooning' one where they both have their mouths open. Franco is a cutie too.

As much as we love toast, he's the quintessential "heartbreak breed" type Frenchie. He's a mess and only going to get worse as he ages. :/ Franco is such a love and good boy! He and Hudson adore each other.

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