Waking up during the night


New member
Dec 7, 2016
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I got my Frenchie puppy at the end of October and he is now 4 months old. When I first got him he would cry and cry and cry at night in his crate and also during the day. After a few weeks he seemed adjusted and would sleep through the night (atleast until 5am). But now - what seems out of the blue -he wakes up every 2 hours during the night. Midnight, 2am, 4am LIKE CLOCKWORK! I live in a condo so I can't let him whine it out without incurring the wrath of my neighbors. I try and wait for a quiet moment and take him outside. I don't feel like he really has to pee so I don't understand why he won't sleep the whole night through anymore. HELP!

If anyone has any advice or if this has happened to you, I would appreciate any feedback!

Thank you :)
Sometimes covering the crate helps. Is the crate in your bedroom? Sometimes being closer to you will help too. Removing him from the crate while he is whining will only encourage more whining. The other suggestion would be to try an x-pen with the crate inside and the door of the crate left open. Not such a trapped feeling and he can have a couple of toys to soothe himself with. Good luck!
The crate is in my kitchen, maybe i'll try it in my bedroom!
thank you :)
Sometimes covering the crate helps. Is the crate in your bedroom? Sometimes being closer to you will help too. Removing him from the crate while he is whining will only encourage more whining. The other suggestion would be to try an x-pen with the crate inside and the door of the crate left open. Not such a trapped feeling and he can have a couple of toys to soothe himself with. Good luck!

Great advice! Being consistent is really important!
Good advise above. He should adjust, and quiet down soon.