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6 week puppy pictures! Opinions?!

But you should be going for your first vet visit within48 hours of getting the pup. So check with your vet. But these dogs always have noisy breathing.

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He's so cute!!!' Your gonna have a blast with him. Do the feed water walk I teach to help with potty training.

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Danté went to the vet this morning and he was such a good boy! The vet assured me that noisy breathing although not normal in most dogs is normal in this breed. Basically the "norm" in the bulldog breed is abnormal. However, he does have a runny nose and some gurgling - which he attributed to a cold. He has no temp and is eating like a piggie. The vet said sometimes the stress of leaving the litter and traveling by car six hours can bring on minor sickness. He also said puppy immune systems at 10 weeks aren't very strong yet. Nothing they can do for it though, since antibiotics only treat bacterial infections.... And i should let it run its course and call if it gets worse or he stopa eating. Ugh, why me? Anyway, here he is putting on his good boy show. image.webp
Look at the little bundle of JOY!!!! Adorable! Don't worry too too much. I had a terrible time with Ollie when he was a baby. We spent every week in the vets for 4 weeks straight. He had bacterial problems girderia, campylobactor, he was a mess! If you have a health guarantee you might call the breeder to tell him about the issues you are seeing with Dante. So he/she can watch the other pups for the issues. The breathing issues is from what we call Brachiocephalic breeds. All SMOOSHED faces have this.

In certain individual Bulldogs the breathing problems are more pronounced and is known as "Brachiocephalic Syndrome." The first component of this is pinched nostrils (stenotic nares). The openings to the nostrils in these dogs can be no more than slits. Air sounds can frequently be heard with each breath. If you pinch your own nostrils and try to take a deep breath you will experience a feeling of negative pressure down near your larynx or voice box. This negative pressure does several things. It stretches or pulls on the soft palate which is the soft tissue just behind the hard palate (hard roof of the mouth). This condition is known as an elongated soft palate. These dogs will make excessive snorting or snoring noises.

Most french bulldogs and english bulldogs have elongated soft paletes. Some require surgery and some do not. Since Ollie was under the knife we went ahead and had his soft palate shortened. I plan to do the same with Batty.
Danté went to the vet this morning and he was such a good boy! The vet assured me that noisy breathing although not normal in most dogs is normal in this breed. Basically the "norm" in the bulldog breed is abnormal. However, he does have a runny nose and some gurgling - which he attributed to a cold. He has no temp and is eating like a piggie. The vet said sometimes the stress of leaving the litter and traveling by car six hours can bring on minor sickness. He also said puppy immune systems at 10 weeks aren't very strong yet. Nothing they can do for it though, since antibiotics only treat bacterial infections.... And i should let it run its course and call if it gets worse or he stopa eating. Ugh, why me? Anyway, here he is putting on his good boy show. View attachment 3591

Holy smokes he's adorable!!!!

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