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Chloe is doing fantastic. She is starting to act like a puppy. She is just over 10lbs now. She gives me lots of kisses and I love it. She tries to play with the other dogs but she is still just a little weak to do so. She has quite the personality and she is so smart. I gave her a bath last night and she does not like that to much. She had quite the attitude. She doesn’t give kisses when she is mad at you. I could not be happier with her improvement. Thank you to all you guys for your advice and support.

That is so wonderful to hear!!!!!! Yay!!! :dance6:

Did you ever figure out what was causing her issues?
That is so wonderful to hear!!!!!! Yay!!! :dance6:

Did you ever figure out what was causing her issues?

No I have not figured out what is causing her colitis. I am just making her food and making sure she doesn’t eat anything other than what I make her and she seems to be doing great. So I am just going to continue to do that. Hopefully this is something that won’t happen again.
Our Frenchie has Granulomatous Colitis also :( total nightmare. He's been unresponsive to anything except injected meropenem.
Our Frenchie has Granulomatous Colitis also :( total nightmare. He's been unresponsive to anything except injected meropenem.

So sorry to hear ! Usually oral enrofloxacin works. I'll paste some info I read:

Recommended treatment for histiocytic ulcerative colitis is antibiotic therapy for 4-8 weeks. Enrofloxacin (5mg/kg PO once daily) has been successful in many cases; however, antimicrobial resistant strains can be seen, and treatment should be based on culture results. Whereas prognosis was considered poor and relapses common with previous therapeutic strategies, response to enrofloxacin has been very promising, with most dogs responding within 3-12 days of starting treatment. Some dogs may have complete clinical response and appear cured after one course of treatment; however others may require longer therapy or even lifetime therapy for management of this disease.
So sorry to hear ! Usually oral enrofloxacin works. I'll paste some info I read:

Recommended treatment for histiocytic ulcerative colitis is antibiotic therapy for 4-8 weeks. Enrofloxacin (5mg/kg PO once daily) has been successful in many cases; however, antimicrobial resistant strains can be seen, and treatment should be based on culture results. Whereas prognosis was considered poor and relapses common with previous therapeutic strategies, response to enrofloxacin has been very promising, with most dogs responding within 3-12 days of starting treatment. Some dogs may have complete clinical response and appear cured after one course of treatment; however others may require longer therapy or even lifetime therapy for management of this disease.

Nope. No dice. Completely unresponsive to everything. We've actually tried Enrofloxacin twice. He's had two colonoscopies, tissue sent to Cornell and now on to Davis. We have tried every medicine, food combo, etc. The vet at Davis had some interesting ideas though, so we'll keep trying!
Chloe is doing fantastic. She is starting to act like a puppy. She is just over 10lbs now. She gives me lots of kisses and I love it. She tries to play with the other dogs but she is still just a little weak to do so. She has quite the personality and she is so smart. I gave her a bath last night and she does not like that to much. She had quite the attitude. She doesn’t give kisses when she is mad at you. I could not be happier with her improvement. Thank you to all you guys for your advice and support.

Yikes, didn't see this update until now, but am thrilled to hear she is doing much better. That must have been such a stressful and scary time! Any pics you can post??
Sorry I have not been on in quite sometime! Chloe is doing fantastic! She has become the hyper pain in the but I knew she would become when she got better. She pins the cat down and terrorizes the other three dogs, but they all seem to love it and love her very much. This is my first experience with a frenchie and as hard as it was for Chloe and myself the first 6 months or so it was so worth it cause she is a wonderful little girl. Such a character. Here is a picture of her at Christmas time. She is 9 months old now and weighs 18.6lbs.


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Sorry I have not been on in quite sometime! Chloe is doing fantastic! She has become the hyper pain in the but I knew she would become when she got better. She pins the cat down and terrorizes the other three dogs, but they all seem to love it and love her very much. This is my first experience with a frenchie and as hard as it was for Chloe and myself the first 6 months or so it was so worth it cause she is a wonderful little girl. Such a character. Here is a picture of her at Christmas time. She is 9 months old now and weighs 18.6lbs.

Awesome!!! Love the character of these babies

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Sorry I have not been on in quite sometime! Chloe is doing fantastic! She has become the hyper pain in the but I knew she would become when she got better. She pins the cat down and terrorizes the other three dogs, but they all seem to love it and love her very much. This is my first experience with a frenchie and as hard as it was for Chloe and myself the first 6 months or so it was so worth it cause she is a wonderful little girl. Such a character. Here is a picture of her at Christmas time. She is 9 months old now and weighs 18.6lbs.

Thanks for posting a pic and an update. So sorry to the both of you who are dealing with colitis. But once again, I am happy that these special ones ended up with people who care enough and are able to investigate the issue and treat it. Hugs to both of you and your dogs!
Glad to hear Chloe is doing better. We have had similar stomach/intestine issues with our girls when less than a year. No worms, no parasites tested and still bloody stool.
Breeder suggested that the vet tests can be 50% or more inaccurate. We treated with Toltrazuril from HorsePreRace and Pro-Pectalin. The Toltrazuril is for Coccidia and the Pro-Pectalin
has actual Kaolin and Pectin (similar to the original KaoPectate) for settling the stomach and intestines. Finally after about 4 weeks, settled into raw diet as well as consistent pre/probiotics.
First off- My husband and father would refer to my dogs’ poop as ‘soft serve’ and I just thought that was too funny of a coincidence. My male dog (he’s older by 2-3 months) had giardia for 6 months- that’s how long we treated him, and he was asymptomatic besides a positive fecal. Finally, the vet used flagyp tablets and it was the end of that. Our second dog is the one with the ‘soft serve’ and she was a rescue. We brought in stool and had bloodwork done (She was dewormed about 2 weeks prior to adoption) and was apparently negative. Our vet said the same. Two weeks after, she coughed up round worms. I have a photo, if you’re curious, but it’s gross- be warned. Since our deworming,
She has been gaining weight and there’s still occasional soft bowel movements-
But less. It could be diet related if they’re clean otherwise, but with the blood in the stool and straining, it doesn’t sound like it. If it’s bright red, it’s much lower in their GI tract than if it was black. It could be irritation and rectal bleeding (very possible if stool is very soft). I’d bring a sample in.
Could also be a food allergy (our little girl does this with beef) and GI spasming causes the loose stool,
Frequent pushing and blood due to this. Sorry- nurse brain!- but those frenchies are life!
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