Agressive Near Food Bowl


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Aug 2, 2022
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Rex is about 9 months old. He is well trained knowing several tricks and house trained. He comes to me and bops up and down. to go outside. A week or so ago he starting growling and tries to bite if you get near his food bowl during or after he eats. Sometimes he will sit with his face in the empty bowl. Same food since we brought him home. Nothing has changed. Tonight he even tried to nip at or other dog as he walked by. I give Rex treats (just dog food, but don't tell him) when he comes in from going potty. He eats that from the palm of my hand with no issue. For dinner tonight I tried using different bowls and that made no difference. Any suggestions on what may be going on with him? Other than that he is the goofiest, and sleepiest dog I have ever owned.
Rex is about 9 months old. He is well trained knowing several tricks and house trained. He comes to me and bops up and down. to go outside. A week or so ago he starting growling and tries to bite if you get near his food bowl during or after he eats. Sometimes he will sit with his face in the empty bowl. Same food since we brought him home. Nothing has changed. Tonight he even tried to nip at or other dog as he walked by. I give Rex treats (just dog food, but don't tell him) when he comes in from going potty. He eats that from the palm of my hand with no issue. For dinner tonight I tried using different bowls and that made no difference. Any suggestions on what may be going on with him? Other than that he is the goofiest, and sleepiest dog I have ever owned.

Sounds like he is food aggressive being protective over his food.

He is showing you HE is the boss of you, he needs to know you are the boss, and he needs to respect you.

I always recommend when they are puppies, when you give them chews, or food, while they eat or chew it, calmly take it away to get them used to being ok with you taking the food dish or treats. That’s the best way to prevent this issue.

However, now that you are dealing with this problem, you should be making him work for his food and treats. Teach him like ‘nothing in life is free’, when it’s time to feed him, make him sit and wait then put his food dish down and have him sit there and wait until you say “OK”.

When he growls at you when you go near his dish, tell him in a different firm voice “NO” and ask him to sit. He will think your afraid of him if you don’t show him manners.
Start taking his food dish away, after he eats a few bites of his food, he thinks HE runs the house and that food dish is HIS, if the issue is not corrected soon, he will only get worse as he gets older.

Maybe try putting a glove on or something when you take his food dish away, that way is safer for you but at least he will learn he CANT be protective of his food dish.

Rusty hates water, so I filled a spray bottle with just water in it(NO this is NOT mean to the dog, it’s just water), if there is a aggressive issue or something like Rex being protective over his food dish, when he growls at you, Spray him with the water(not in the face, a small spray of water on the back is completely safe), and say a firm NO and practice taking the food dish away and make him work for everything.
This should definitely help teach him he is NOT allowed to be protective over his food.

If there was a kid or other dog in the house, you definitely don’t want him to bite or snap at the other dog or kid over food.

Also I remember you saying in your last post, he is on Royal Canin.

Also getting off Royal Canin would really benefit Rex’s health, as Royal Canin, hills, science diet, purina brands are all fillers and create many health issues and sometimes even bad behaviour(yes that can happen!)

I highly recommend getting him off Royal Canin and onto a better quality food. Vets promote it cause they make $$$ off it, calling it vet food when your basically buying from the grocery store!😟

There is way better kibbles out there.
Also is he neutered???

If he isn’t neutered yet, that could also be part of the issue.
He is regressing and testing your position of alpha.... go back to basics with training and as stated above, be careful when working with the bowl. But, make sure he is sitting or make him wait across the room till you release him to go to the bowl. he has to know you own the food and not him.

I did this with all our dogs and I can put my hand in the bowl without them reacting... they will step back and then go back to eating when i remove my hand. However, I started this with them upon entering our home as puppies. At 9 months, your boy is in what I call the toddler stage and he is pushing the envelope... get him back inline with using "nothing in life is free". Resource guarding can be very difficult to correct as they get older so you want to get him back in line before it sets in
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I filled a spray bottle with just water in it(NO this is NOT mean to the dog, it’s just water), if there is a aggressive issue or something like Rex being protective over his food dish, when he growls at you, Spray him with the water(not in the face, a small spray of water on the back is completely safe), and say a firm NO and practice taking the food dish away and make him work for everything.
The spray bottle has been a godsend to me! We were having terrible issues with housetraining and I use it to make Jelly go in the grass to do his business and spray next to him if he wants to come in before pooping (he hates the cold or wet weather). I rarely have to spray him, but instead spray around him and he knows I'm not playing.

I think the tips you gave about guarding food should work. At nine months, he may be entering a new phase of development which needs to be nipped in the bud.
The spray bottle has been a godsend to me! We were having terrible issues with housetraining and I use it to make Jelly go in the grass to do his business and spray next to him if he wants to come in before pooping (he hates the cold or wet weather). I rarely have to spray him, but instead spray around him and he knows I'm not playing.

I think the tips you gave about guarding food should work. At nine months, he may be entering a new phase of development which needs to be nipped in the bud.

How is Jelly and Petey doing?

Is Jelly getting better for house training?

Have you got snow where you are?
I wonder how he would like the snow.

Any photos of Jelly?? You haven’t updated a photo for a while😊
How is Jelly and Petey doing?

Is Jelly getting better for house training?

Have you got snow where you are?
I wonder how he would like the snow.

Any photos of Jelly?? You haven’t updated a photo for a while😊
Both are doing great. Jelly is almost fully housebroken.

We didn't get the snow that Buffalo got (over 6'), although we are only 60 miles from there. Thank goodness, but I really felt for those people. That was several weeks ago. We have had a couple inches/dusting since then. Jelly doesn't love the snow, but he knows he has to go out in it to do his business. Sometimes he will go out on his own, and other times my husband has to pick him up and put him on the deck. Here is a recent picture.Jelly - 12-1-22.jpg
Both are doing great. Jelly is almost fully housebroken.

We didn't get the snow that Buffalo got (over 6'), although we are only 60 miles from there. Thank goodness, but I really felt for those people. That was several weeks ago. We have had a couple inches/dusting since then. Jelly doesn't love the snow, but he knows he has to go out in it to do his business. Sometimes he will go out on his own, and other times my husband has to pick him up and put him on the deck. Here is a recent picture.View attachment 16041
That’s great he is almost fully house trained!

At least the snow hasn’t made Jelly start potty in the house more👍

Rusty doesn’t really like it, his paws bleed and go raw if he walks in the snow(even for 30 seconds)and he won’t wear boots, crazy dog!

OMG is Jelly ever cute! What a sweet handsome boy Jelly is. Thanks for sharing the photo, I love seeing photos and I think your like me, and have so many photos LOL!

He must be getting close to 1 year soon, isn’t he?

How are they still liking the food?
That’s great he is almost fully house trained!

At least the snow hasn’t made Jelly start potty in the house more👍

Rusty doesn’t really like it, his paws bleed and go raw if he walks in the snow(even for 30 seconds)and he won’t wear boots, crazy dog!

OMG is Jelly ever cute! What a sweet handsome boy Jelly is. Thanks for sharing the photo, I love seeing photos and I think your like me, and have so many photos LOL!

He must be getting close to 1 year soon, isn’t he?

How are they still liking the food?
Thank you so much!

Jelly will be one on 1/31/23. He is still on the RR, Orijen kibble and a little Fromm wet food to mix. He loves his food! I am most thrilled that I rarely have to clean his ears and he doesn't seem to have any paw licking or hot spots. Our last frenchie, Bambi, had terrible allergies that we never got rectified. She was my absolute angel and my heart dog. I will attach a picture of her. We lost her at the end of Feb. and then got Jelly on 4/8.


  • Bambi - 10-24-20.jpg
    Bambi - 10-24-20.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 0
Thank you so much!

Jelly will be one on 1/31/23. He is still on the RR, Orijen kibble and a little Fromm wet food to mix. He loves his food! I am most thrilled that I rarely have to clean his ears and he doesn't seem to have any paw licking or hot spots. Our last frenchie, Bambi, had terrible allergies that we never got rectified. She was my absolute angel and my heart dog. I will attach a picture of her. We lost her at the end of Feb. and then got Jelly on 4/8.
That’s crazy Jelly is almost 1 year, time flies!

That’s great Jelly is in good health and your not needing to clean his ears or see hot spots, as I always say, good food is key to their good health.

Cute photo of Bambi
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@Mavis do you know the Orijen and Acana foods are changing at the end of March/beginning of April cause they got bought out by Mars. So the quality will drop, and end up like Iams and pedigree and the other low end foods they make.

Just thought I would let you know.

I forgot to add that to my last response to you.
What I have done in the past with food aggressive dogs as many others have said is show my ALPHA> I place the dog bowl between my legs where he/she has to come to me. I start with hand feeding one at a time. then allow them to approach the bowl. If growling starts my legs close and I aggressively say no. Make them sit or lay down. WAIT. Then will start the process all over again. This has always worked for me. It shows them I am the leader and I say when you eat and how you eat. Just what I have tried in the past. I am sorry your having this problem at such a young age.