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Another emergency vet visit...

Okay here's what we know after X-rays. He has mild hip dysplasia. His knees are good. She thinks it's either soft tissue (he pulled something/strained, etc), a pinched nerve (though he still has full nerve function in his back legs), or disk disease. Or hip related. He's on anti inflammatories and pain killers and is basically on dog version of bed rest. If it doesn't get better as a soft tissue injury would, we will have to assume it's likely disk disease and go from there. He's home now and hiding under the bed. Breaks my heart.

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This sounds *exactly* like the male we pug we used to have. Every so often he'd go up/down the stairs, he'd yelp, and then all of a sudden he wasn't able to jump or do stairs on his own. We took him to the vet, they checked him out, x-rays seemed fine, and so we just had to restrict his exercise for a week, and then in a few days he was as right as rain.

He was also diagnosed with hip displaysia at a young-ish age, and we put him on Cetyl-M. I cannot praise this supplement enough. The dog physiotherapist said it'd take a good month, but once it began to work as it should, he was able to run around, go up stairs normally, etc. He was back to 'bunny hopping' up the stairs rather than slowly going up one leg at a time. It kind of sounds like your baby is going through something similar? Percy would have these 'episodes' every so often for no reason at all, and then he'd go back to normal again.

Keeping my fingers crossed that your pup is ok. If it's something like what Percy had, Percy lived for a good 15 years and did very well. ;) Nothing to be overly concerned about. Thankfully the x-rays didn't show anything worse!
Okay I talked to the vet and the radiologist this morning. The radiologist disagreed with the vet and said that Hudson does not have any evidence of hip dysplasia and said that his spine is in good shape too. Vet says if he doesn't get better in a few days then we will move forward with an MRI to look at his spinal cord to see if we can find evidence of the disk disease or a rupture of some kind.

We are adding gabapentin to the rimadyl that he's already taking in hopes to help with the pain. His personality is coming back a little but he still can't walk and is clearly distressed. He's being a trooper and not trying to do anything and has been nonstop resting. I'm still freaked out but trying to hold it together. We made him a sling so that he can go outside and go potty since his back legs aren't really functioning that well (from the pain) and that seems to have helped.

Thank you all for your well wishes and advice. I always feel better after coming to y'all. Hudson is my baby and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him!

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So sorry this has happen... Wish we could do or say something to help.... Sending lots of healing prayers your way
Well that sounds like good news but also bad news. Always difficult to have half-answers...

Poor guy, the sling is probably a good idea, and I'm that they are giving him medicines that prove to be effective in similar cases.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys that he all of a sudden feels better!

Oh, I am so sorry to hear all this :(

We all are sending you lots of positive energy & all paws & fingers crossed, that its nothing too major and he will be painfree soon!

Poor Hudson & poor you. They really are our children & it hurts us just as much to see them in pain and discomfort. :(
Thank you guys. I really am completely sick over this. The gabapentin seems to really be helping, he is resting now. He was getting upset that I was on the couch so I'm laying on his bed with him now and he's sleeping comfortably. I'm so thankful to be able to stay with him all the time during his healing. I am relieved to not have any hip dysplasia or skeletal spine issues. What a blessing. Now we wait to see what the deal is. The vet also said that if he does have IVDD then he could just be a dog that has a few flare ups in his life and won't need surgery. We shall see. [MENTION=1146]PugandTwoFrenchies[/MENTION] my vet said that supplement you mentioned sounds good so we will order it, thank you. She also said Hudson could have similar episodes to your pug if it ends up that he has IVDD.

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So sorry your baby is in pain. It can be so difficult to witness. Hopefully he will come around and start to feel better with lots of love and rest.Wishing him all the best. Hang in there. He's so lucky to have you at his side.
Hang in there Erika. Ollie is currently having an MRI done as I type. Save your pennies those things are spendie! I just spent 2100 for the MRI. But it will tell us exactly what is causing the Ataix so I was happy to hand over my credit card and I will of course be sending the health insurance a claim asap. LOL

I'm so sorry Hudson is in pain. My specialist just finished telling me how IVDD is so common in this breed and he does a lot of spinal surgeries on these guys to correct the disk problems. I pray that Hudson gets better soon and the pain subsides. Poor baby!!! :( Hugs and kisses

Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery and hopefully it is nothing too serious.
So sorry your baby is in pain. It can be so difficult to witness. Hopefully he will come around and start to feel better with lots of love and rest.Wishing him all the best. Hang in there. He's so lucky to have you at his side.

Thank you so much. We are hoping and praying it is an acute incident and that he will get better on his own. I am just glad I can be here to support him the best I can.

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Hang in there Erika. Ollie is currently having an MRI done as I type. Save your pennies those things are spendie! I just spent 2100 for the MRI. But it will tell us exactly what is causing the Ataix so I was happy to hand over my credit card and I will of course be sending the health insurance a claim asap. LOL

I'm so sorry Hudson is in pain. My specialist just finished telling me how IVDD is so common in this breed and he does a lot of spinal surgeries on these guys to correct the disk problems. I pray that Hudson gets better soon and the pain subsides. Poor baby!!! :( Hugs and kisses


Ouch that one's going to hurt!! Yeah our vet said IVDD is common but she's just not sure that H has it. It's hard to tell the difference between an acute incident of soft tissue damage or a pinched nerve and a slipped disk without the MRI, unfortunately.

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Well I just got off the phone with my boss who heads up cytology at the UC Davis vet school and also specializes in hematology. Since this isn't her specialty, she had a neurologist sit in on the call. The neurologist said it's tough to know if this is a one time deal that he will heal from or if we need to really think about IVDD and getting the MRI and surgery. They both suggested we wait a few days, said we have the right meds, and they'll be at our beck and call if we need to come in there for diagnostics... So at least I have good resources, I guess.

Hudson just went out with me and we sat on the grass for 20 minutes. He is walking a lot better. I don't know if it's because of the gabapentin or if he's feeling better. I am really hoping to see positive changes tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your love and support. It means the world.

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Sending my prayers for Hudson. Make sure to do strict cage rest, and I do mean strict. As little walking as possible, just enough to potty. Hugs to you!
Sending my prayers for Hudson. Make sure to do strict cage rest, and I do mean strict. As little walking as possible, just enough to potty. Hugs to you!

Thank you so much. He has been completely uninterested in moving...thank god. He's usually quite active but these last few days he won't even take a step in the house. What a good boy. We try to do two steps max when he goes out to potty. As soon as he gets shaky he gets picked up, but he's usually solid for the two steps. He is also balancing way better when he pees, like his back legs feel stronger. The sling seems to help too since it takes some weight off his back legs. He seems more solid today. Hoping to see improvements tomorrow. Thank god my mom knows how much he means to me and has approved any and all necessary treatments at her expense. I am beyond lucky. And thank goodness for insurance! Though I wish we didn't have to pay for the treatments up front (ouch!).

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Oh no!!! Poor Hudson!! And you!! I was away for a few days so I'm just reading up on Hudson now. I'm VERY glad you had so many knowledgeable vets at your disposal. I'm also glad he seems to be a bit better yesterday. It's so hard when our babies are in pain, especially when they can't talk to tell us what's up.

Your mom is awesome! Please keep us informed. I'm so scared for little Hudson.
Thank you so much. He has been completely uninterested in moving...thank god. He's usually quite active but these last few days he won't even take a step in the house. What a good boy. We try to do two steps max when he goes out to potty. As soon as he gets shaky he gets picked up, but he's usually solid for the two steps. He is also balancing way better when he pees, like his back legs feel stronger. The sling seems to help too since it takes some weight off his back legs. He seems more solid today. Hoping to see improvements tomorrow. Thank god my mom knows how much he means to me and has approved any and all necessary treatments at her expense. I am beyond lucky. And thank goodness for insurance! Though I wish we didn't have to pay for the treatments up front (ouch!).

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Hang in there Erika. I do recommend getting the MRI done, while it's expensive, it's worth it as it will give you definitive answers on what is wrong with Hudson and how the specialists can fix it. Without seeing him and just reading the story it does sound like he probably hurt his disks in some capacity and while he may look ok with on the pain meds or better, once off them I fear that he may return to the not wanting to walk or move since it's painful. I know paying for the vet visits up front is hard, my care credit is almost maxed out at 5500 but I don't ever skimp on care for my boys. They are family and the insurance does pay us back 80% so it's well worth it.

Hang in there. I do hope Hudson baby returns to normal and does not need surgery. Fight Like a Frenchie healing vibes coming your way from the south.... Kisses and Hugz!
Hey Erika, I am just catching up to this one as well. Hope Hudson (and you) are doing better.
Oh no!!! Poor Hudson!! And you!! I was away for a few days so I'm just reading up on Hudson now. I'm VERY glad you had so many knowledgeable vets at your disposal. I'm also glad he seems to be a bit better yesterday. It's so hard when our babies are in pain, especially when they can't talk to tell us what's up.

Your mom is awesome! Please keep us informed. I'm so scared for little Hudson.

Oh I am too. It's pretty amazing to be able to text and call whenever I need any answers and have pretty much unlimited help.. I feel really lucky in that regard.

I will keep everyone updated! Thank you!!

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