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Another emergency vet visit...

Glad for a good update and I'm glad to see so many pics of H! He's such a cutie!
Here's our (hopefully) final update on this saga. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! Mr. Hudson is fully back in action with no lasting issues, so we think it was a soft tissue injury versus IVDD. I sort of gave up on trying to keep him calm and got the go ahead from the vet to let him do his thing. He's been off the painkillers for a few days and is still doing great.

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Great news --- so happy he will be back to his terroristic, er I mean playful self :D
Last night H was doing his zoomies and suddenly yelped in pain. We checked him all out and couldn't find any tender spots, but he was shaking and acting very weird. He went on his walks and walked fine last night but wouldn't sleep with us and was acting scared and uncomfortable.

Fast forward to early this morning, I tried to take him out and he couldn't take more than a few steps with sitting down and tucking his hind end under himself. Still shaking and hind end kind of wobbly.

Straight to the emergency vet. The vet says his knees are stable and it's too hard to tell what hurts since he's so stoic when they poke around. He's in for X-rays now. They think it might be his back.

I'm so scared, you guys. This dog is like my child and I can't imagine what I would do if he had a serious problem. Please send good thoughts our way [emoji24]

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I haven't been on for a while and didn't go through this thread yet, but when I saw your post, I couldn't help but think maybe Hudson and Maximus are brothers from another mother (very sensitive GI and recent ER trip!)

Maximus was recently in ER too because he couldn't walk properly and starting dribbling urine one morning. It looked like he was paralyzed in his hind legs and we thought he was dying. It wasn't hip dysplasia since he recovered in ICU a few hours after, however his liver enzymes are really ELEVATED and they haven't been going down (we got 3 blood tests done). I've been so stressed out this month and I feel your pain. I can't even concentrate at work because I constantly worry about Maximus. He seems completely fine now, but we are still not sure why his liver enzymes are elevated. The vets think he ate something he wasn't supposed to and our apartment is so puppy proofed it scares me to think he picked up something from the streets that could make him THAT sick.

I obsessively read about liver enzymes and why they get elevated. He is on a raw diet and we are very picky about what he goes in his mouth. Also he has not been on any medication recently. He is not on any heartworm/flea/tick prevention as we prefer natural methods. Right now he is getting milk thistle supplements. I hope his liver enzymes go down and it's nothing serious. :*(

I'm scared too. Big kisses to you and Hudson. :blowkiss:
I'm not really allowed to carry him (I have a chronic illness that limits me in all kinds of fun ways, that being one of them) and especially not this much so my boyfriend has been acting as Hudson's chauffeur of sorts to go outside. Hudson is bored and over it and has NO interest in being carried.

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So happy he is okay. I adore this photo with him sticking his tongue out. :)
Would you look at this goose bear! And doing the snaggle tooth, no less!!! (I love the snaggle tooth.) Soooo happy Hudson is better! :dance4:
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